Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => ArmA - Editing/Scripting Multiplayer => Topic started by: ModestNovice on 05 Sep 2008, 01:41:54

Title: PublicVariable help
Post by: ModestNovice on 05 Sep 2008, 01:41:54
Hi I can't get my publicvariable to work right.

here is my in init.sqf
Code: [Select]
"trade" addPublicVariableEventHandler
civ = _this select 0;
amount = _this select 1;
item = _this select 2;
num = _this select 3;
if (player == civ) then
my_count = ((dcv_inv_array select num) select 1);
my_count = my_count + amount;
new_count = [item, my_count, num];
dcv_inv_array set [num, new_count];
player groupchat format [localize "STR_item_received", amount, item];

here is my script to open inventory menu(part)
Code: [Select]
player_array =
[Civ1, 0],
[Civ2, 1],
[Civ3, 2],
[Civ4, 3],
[Civ5, 4],
[Civ6, 5],
[Civ7, 6],
[Civ8, 7],
[Civ9, 8],
[Cop1, 9],
[Cop2, 10],
[Cop3, 11],
[Cop4, 12],
[Cop5, 13],
[Cop6, 14],
[Cop7, 15],
[Cop8, 16],
[Cop9, 17],
[Sher1, 18],
[Sher2, 19],
[Sher3, 20],
[Sher4, 21],
[Sher5, 22],
[Sher6, 23]

test_array = [];
alive_p =
_p = _this select 0;
if ((alive _p) AND (!(isnull _p))) then
test_Array = test_array + [_p];
publicVariable "test_array";

{[_x select 0] call alive_p} foreach player_array;
//if ([_x select 0] call alive_p) then
_index2 = lbAdd [_playerlist, format["%1 - %2", _x, name _x]];
lbSetData [_playerlist, _index2, format["%1", _x]];
lbSetValue [_playerlist, _index2, 0];
} foreach test_array;

and here is my trade script:
Code: [Select]
_playerlist = 31;
_index = lbCurSel 31;
_val = lbValue [31, _index];
_ind = lbCurSel 30;
item = lbData [30, _ind];
num = lbValue [30, _ind];
amount_to_send = parseNumber (ctrlText 33);
my_amount = ((dcv_inv_array select num) select 1);
p_name = lbData [_playerlist, _index];
if (my_amount < amount_to_send) exitwith {player groupchat format [localize "STR_not_enough", item]};
if ((amount_to_send + 1 == 1) OR (amount_to_send == 0) OR amount_to_send < 0) exitWith {player groupchat localize "STR_not_valid"};
if (item == "Rifle-Bag")exitWith {player groupchat localize "STR_cant_send"};
itemlist = 30;
player groupchat format [localize "STRitem_sent", p_name, amount_to_send, item];

my_amount = my_amount - amount_to_send;
_newitem_c = [item, my_amount, num];
dcv_inv_array set [num, _newitem_c];
lbClear itemlist;
if (_x select 1 > 0) then
_index = lbAdd [itemlist, format["%1: %2", _x select 0, _x select 1]];
lbSetData [itemlist, _index, _x select 0];
lbSetValue [itemlist, _index, _x select 2];
} foreach dcv_inv_array;

trade = [p_name, amount_to_send, item, num];
publicvariable "trade";

most important line being:

trade = [p_name, amount_to_send, item, num];
publicvariable "trade";

but for some reason there is not getting the item when I transfer it.

_playerlist = 31 //=IDC of combobox to select player to send to
Title: Re: PublicVariable help
Post by: Mr.Peanut on 05 Sep 2008, 14:34:44
1)addPublicVariableEventHandler (http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/#848)
Read the above carefully, in particular:
If the EH detects a change via publicVariable on the given variableName, code will be executed.
The following arguments are transferred to the code:
* _this select 0: variableName
* _this select 1: New variable value

2)The Biki states
Multiplayer: Note that the EH is only fired on clients where the publicVariable command has not been executed, as publicVariable does not change the variable where it has been executed.
so your condition if (player == civ) then will never be true and will never execute.