Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: calvinjune on 26 May 2003, 06:02:07

Title: on activation
Post by: calvinjune on 26 May 2003, 06:02:07
i know i'm behind the times, but i just recently upgraded to Resistance.

i was going over some old missions that i'd made, moving them around to work on Nogova, when i noticed that the editor doesn't like multiple commands in the On Activation line in a trigger. i had the different commands separated by commas. now, however, the editor gives me an error: "Missing (".

why does this happen, and how can there be a missing parenthesi when there aren't any other parenthesis?
Title: Re:on activation
Post by: hooahman on 26 May 2003, 06:20:28
Now we use ; instead.
UNIT switchmove SWITCHMOVE ; UNIT sidechat "Hi"
Title: Re:on activation
Post by: calvinjune on 26 May 2003, 07:17:37
thanks much