Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: Raven on 01 Sep 2002, 12:33:27

Title: Resistance Choppers
Post by: Raven on 01 Sep 2002, 12:33:27
Hi Guys

Has anyone thought about doing the Mil17 and 24 in Resistance camo. If they have nicked the BMP and T72/T80s of the Russians why not the choppers.
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: LimeCordial on 01 Sep 2002, 13:17:14
hey you nicked my thread! lol. i mentioned this before, somebody said that someone had made an mi-8 but i cant find it anywhere, and im in the process of trying to make a resistance ah6.
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: Raven on 01 Sep 2002, 13:53:10
Sorry Lime  :'(, I think the mi-8 is in one of the major mods, and Capt Moore has done a ah6 for the resistance in with his littlebird pack, trouble is its to small, once you get the pilot in you only have room for a 3 man squad, its ok for spec ops missions but not for squad transport.
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: LimeCordial on 01 Sep 2002, 16:02:38
no that is the oh6, it dont have any weapons, the ah6 is the american one that has he ffars and the miniguns.
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: Chomps on 01 Sep 2002, 16:02:56
Capt Moore has done a ah6 for the resistance in with his littlebird pack, trouble is its to small, once you get the pilot in you only have room for a 3 man squad, its ok for spec ops missions but not for squad transport.

Use the one with the external seats, it holds quite a few more.  Oh and TJP was also making one that was looking really good.
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: LimeCordial on 01 Sep 2002, 16:06:36
you can edit the .cpp of the oh6 so it carries a whole squad.......it's quite funny when 12 guys get out of this tiny chopper.
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: Raven on 02 Sep 2002, 21:29:40
Not a chance, i'm not going anywhere near a .cpp, knowing my luck ill not only crash the computer but my whole home LAN network. I'll look foward to your AH6. Still think it would be nice to see a Mil 17/24 in Resistance colours, FIA blazened down the hull. :)
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: LimeCordial on 02 Sep 2002, 21:48:09
it's easy to change the amount of soldiers it can carry. get s a program like depbo or pbotool, extract the .pbo, load up the .cpp and look for the line 'transportsoldier' or similar. then change that to whatever you like and compress all the files back into a .pbo again.
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: mevo on 04 Sep 2002, 02:59:51
What about them old shitty copters, like thoes ones the americans used in korea, the ones that have a canopy that looks like a goldfish bowl.

They would be old and busted enough for a little island in the 80's to actually own.

But they aint that shooty.

You blokes want gunships right?
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: Raven on 04 Sep 2002, 09:52:38
Not realy looking fo gunships, more along the lines of transports, jet ranger (without radar), air sea rescue helio's, that sort of thing. You know, civ heilos that are on the island and been converted to military use, also it stands to reason that if the resistance have nicked T72/80 and BMP's they might have got their hands on some helio's. (just a paint job so to speak).
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: Vyper on 05 Sep 2002, 02:35:52
The AH-6 american.....yes, but then so is the OH-6.....they are the same!

The Cayuse is the ebst for resistance rather than the modern Littebird versions.

Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: LimeCordial on 05 Sep 2002, 23:54:49
yeah, but i meant it was in the american side in the game. i know all the littlebirds are deriratives of each other.
Title: Re:Resistance Choppers
Post by: DrMeatballs on 07 Sep 2002, 01:18:14
Ages ago soemone did bring out a pack of black textured east units that might do the job and i think they were on the resistance side but i can't be shure.
And from what i can remeber from the old forums the top 3 helos for the resistance were the Alouette, gazelle and Mi2.