Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: Foo on 08 Apr 2003, 17:02:33

Title: OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 08 Apr 2003, 17:02:33
Guys, galls, me and my good friend from NOMAD robo-01 are doing a mod in our spare time, (ie,whilest not working on nomad)  its primarily my mod with a little help from robo when needed, tho he is way more skilled than i can ever be so i hope he helps me alot  ::)

Basically, go back to the 13th centuary, and youve got it, swords, bows, spears, ect, and castles....we wil make about 3 maps, and considering there will be no vehicle transport they will be huge...massive castles, crusader chruches and knights orders, mosques and cities, ect ect.

Anyway, we discussed this last night, and after that i set to work...and the result it this longbow:

ok its a simple model from a simple modeller(im a mission editor mainly), but a good taster of whats to come

anyway the forum is(the site isnt made yet):
http://com1.akheva.com/bofpmedievalmod (http://com1.akheva.com/bofpmedievalmod)

lord knows why its "b"ofpmedievalmod that wasnt my mistake, but nothing i can do

interested in working for us im putting something in the training depot, but we have lots of jobs available at the mo, so...

We especially need people to make the animations for the mod
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 08 Apr 2003, 17:49:52
And another one...
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 09 Apr 2003, 08:44:00
Im putting more pics at the site...i just realised how hard it is to look at the forum, so ive changed settings and now anyone can read the forum public area without having to register....

http://com1.akheva.com/bofpmedievalmod (http://com1.akheva.com/bofpmedievalmod)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you think and offer any advice, ask about anything you think of, ect,

PS, my name is Pathfinder not foo in editing, so

-Pathfinder out-
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: DeLiltMon on 09 Apr 2003, 12:48:18
Sounds interesting, hope you get the help you need
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: tankieboy on 09 Apr 2003, 15:24:19
Origional and good Idea.
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 09 Apr 2003, 18:32:36
Thanks guys, anyone interested in working on it please ask, im pretty  much doing it alone at the mo...heres my latest pic, which is a gatehouse for a walled city.
I was going to post it later when it was finished, but, as ive got to go, i will do it now!

anyway, a few details on this...
-the doors will work.
-there will be full access to the tower and ramparts
-the holes in the walls are built as arrow slits(ie, they are narrow on the outside, but wider on the inside, to allow greater field of fire for defenders

to imagine it finished, put an identical tower on the other side of the doors, imagine ramparts on the top of the towers, and a walkway between the 2 towers across the top.

a few issues worrying me...
-is it too gamey? ie, the ramparts are all uniform blocks, should they be more rough...consider this is from the time it was built, it would have been farely new, not like the worn down castles we know

thats pretty much it.

and i still need help with config and animations!
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Gogs on 09 Apr 2003, 21:58:21
Its an interesting idea. Could be fun to see if it works.......
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: DrStrangelove on 10 Apr 2003, 18:32:04
I say this is really great idea, but also very hard to do in opf. I encourage you & ur team to proove me wrong though.  :)

Without thinking about too much details, these are the things that come to my mind for now:

1.) Sword fighting
should be more than just widly clicking away at ur enemy. Although i can't think of a way to integrate a good attack/parade system in opf. Hope you can figure that out. Maybe don't try to get it that realistic, that could be impossible. 1-3 predefined moves (attack/parade & move automaticly) could work.

2.) Useable, animated horses
would be awesome of course, also hard to do / to code (i guess). If i were you i'd stay away from developing opf horses until you got a 1st prototype of your mod where all weapons do function well. Big battles on foot can be very exciting, too.

3.) Construct castles with obstacle sections
Castels should consist of single walls, corners, doors, gates, towers etc. That way big weapons (catapults) can destroy only 1 side of a castle to let the foot soldiers in.

4.) Encourage strategic economy
(ok, not that important at first) Would be cool to have some sort of economy / resources that 'drive' those armies. I mean, the tanks and soldiers of Opf have their fuel, endurance and ammo with them. What do foot soldiers need, except of endurance ? Water and food and treasures maybe. Wouldn't it be great to slowly win a big castle battle by disrupting the enemies support on water and food ?
Change ammo boxes into bread boxes, or treasure crates. Replace fuel stations with water sources like fountains etc

that's it from me, hope you get something going  8)
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 11 Apr 2003, 08:46:28
I thought about all of those things, and some more...consider all the anims that will have to be made for swordfighting and archery!
Thats why i need help and lots of it. ;D

Good point on swordfighting ive already been thinking about that one, but i havent come up with any clear deccision...i was thinking maybe a normal mode(a balance of defence and attack), agressive mode and defensive mode in which the moves used vary in frequency according to style

the castles i was going to do in sections for the pure reason that its easier to make and allows infinite building of castles from just a few parts ;)

the economy, sounds kinda like rts2 or 3 . something to work on later but good idea...
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 12 Apr 2003, 08:49:36
Okay things are getting interesting...at last im getting help, and  so there is a chance of me completing this mod rather than dying trying


if you want ot help ive still got plenty of spaces available, as this project will be huge ;D
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: SelectThis on 12 Apr 2003, 18:29:01
I would suggest sorting out the combat system and getting it working in game before spending too much time on other parts. Basically that's going to be the hardest part and pretty central to the whole concept.

Good luck!

Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 12 Apr 2003, 22:08:29
Good advise that will be well heeded..the combat system is currently under discussion at our forums

http://com1.akheva.com/bofpmedievalmod (http://com1.akheva.com/bofpmedievalmod)

we should be able to come to some realistic system..we are practically agreed that a bow should fire like a mortar, which will turn out to be a wicked system im sure ::)

so close comat sytem is the main point that needs sorting
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 13 Apr 2003, 10:33:34
We now have better forums and the site is under construction. ;D

http://ofpcrusader.suddenlaunch2.com/index.cgi (http://ofpcrusader.suddenlaunch2.com/index.cgi)

are our new forums, though you are hearing about this before most of the members realise weve changed so its abit empty....so if you want to see what weve been doing with ourselves, look around the old forum!
But any posts in the new one please
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 14 Apr 2003, 07:49:26
we  now have a site  at http://www.ofpcrusader.tk/ (http://www.ofpcrusader.tk/)


Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 19 Apr 2003, 22:10:29

Just to keep some interest going.....

Ps check out the site, Anthrax has made it really quite cool
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 21 Apr 2003, 16:21:25
One of the maps we will be using for this mod, made by my very self(100% proud to say i have used nothign but WRP edit, non of that wilbur crap ::))

We still need staff...
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Monkey Lib Front on 24 Apr 2003, 03:00:36
heres a picture of a combat face,

btw looking good on the map there.
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Gogs on 25 Apr 2003, 00:09:52
Never mind the period weaponry ;)
No, it looks cool.
Title: Re:OFP:Crusader
Post by: Foo on 30 Apr 2003, 14:49:21
Thanks, ill post some more pics if you want.
Ive got a crossbow and a longbow both ingame, just having some config trouble with our longbow, then i need some animations for both...anyway if u want pics ill post em up here :D