Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: rat on 30 Aug 2002, 04:25:37

Title: stealth boat
Post by: rat on 30 Aug 2002, 04:25:37
is anyone making one?
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/sea_shadow.htm (http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/sea_shadow.htm)
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: Kaliyuga on 30 Aug 2002, 11:43:39
While I'll be the first to agree that we need more naval vessels for OFP,  It's the lack of weapons that turns me off about the whole thing honestly..

We've got zodiacs and helicopters for insertions now.. and that LST thing? isn't that what that huge piece of scenery is called?  ;D  

From reading that piece of info from FAS, I would gather that the DD 21 may be something worth looking into though ;)
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: rat on 30 Aug 2002, 22:07:33
i was thinking the vertical launch missiles like the arleigh burke would get round the limitation of 1 gun turret........so the sea shadow could have a pop up phalanx and missiles instead......shape looks simple(relatively) to model.......heres hoping ::)
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: imemyself on 30 Aug 2002, 23:39:05
First the Sea Shadow really doesn't have any use other than a test ship, and I think the DD21 program was unfortunately cancelled.
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: KTottE on 31 Aug 2002, 00:10:46
Aside from realism issues (if the project was cancelled and so on) I think this would be a cool addon to OFP.
More naval vessels indeed, this would take roughly 15 minutes to model and that only leaves the config.cpping and texturing.
I say it's a damn fine idea.
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: WeeGee on 31 Aug 2002, 01:47:46
I've got to vote for a "yes, we need this ship" too.  While in real life the Sea Shadow is a joke (submarines play the role it was going to MUCH better) it would be a very cool alternative to subs in ofp since we can't really have underwater ships.

OFP definitly lacks the naval side of things.  Wasn't their someone who was planning on creating some naval vessles for ofp? (He created the submarine...). Whatever happened to him?

P.S. For those of you who think the sea shadow would have been a worthy investment, just remember that it would just be yet another target for subs to take out. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: LimeCordial on 31 Aug 2002, 22:52:16
is that thing REAL?? i though it was made up for james bond.
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: Messiah on 01 Sep 2002, 02:54:18
and your not the only one...

but pretty much anything can be made stealth - its just a case of reflecting the 'radar' signal in such a way that it wont return a signal (note the hard edges and angles)

so.... stealth trabant any1?

i rather have that ship the stealth boat is sailing into - looks much more fun.
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: WeeGee on 01 Sep 2002, 17:08:02
Look closer Messiah.  The "ship" the stealth boat is sailing into is just a hanger.  ::)
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: Messiah on 01 Sep 2002, 22:53:58
lol - well with the ship behind that hangar it looked like some cool boat.  ::)
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: psunder on 02 Sep 2002, 18:46:13
but pretty much anything can be made stealth - its just a case of reflecting the 'radar' signal in such a way that it wont return a signal (note the hard edges and angles)

Actually the "hard edges" have nothing to do with stealth.....  it's just that the computers that existed at the time were not powerful enough to compute anything but 2D shapes out of which they created a 3D structure.  As computers advanced so did modeling and thus you end up with the latter curvatious shapes like in the B2 or the JSF.  Angles are the main issue along with radar absorbing material.
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: Mr_Shady on 05 Sep 2002, 20:58:15
I think all this stealth stuff is overrated myself. RAF Tornados have reportedly intercepted (not aggressively, of course) USAF B2's flying across the Atlantic, having detected them miles away. And the F-117... personally I think it's a bit of a joke... not only is it really ugly, it isn't that stealthy (I read that the French-supplied radar systems used by the Iraqis in the Gulf detected them routinely, but the radar-guided missiles were foiled by chaff usually, as the jet does admittedly have a smaller RCS than a normal jet).

Perhaps the F-22 will be different though, with all the Emmisions Control (EMCON) systems reducing incoming and outgoing detectable transmissions and signals, and all the trimmings, like thrust-vectoring, internal missile bays, and a supersonic cruise speed without the use of afterburners... and it looks really sexy too.

Not that I'm sexually attracted to aircraft. Oh no.  :-[

Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: imemyself on 07 Sep 2002, 00:26:18
I think the biggest problem w/ stealth is the inability to carry lots of weapons.  I think the JSF and the F22 should atleast have the option to have external hardpoints.  I wonder if they could coat bombs/missiles with Radar Absorbent Material (or RAM).
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: Jahve on 10 Sep 2002, 11:41:40
the point here isnt the stealth-technology, it's the damn boat. make it..
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: Paratrooper on 10 Sep 2002, 19:39:42
I think an operational stealth boat would be better, the Swedish Visby class corvette for example.
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: LimeCordial on 10 Sep 2002, 22:19:12
I think the biggest problem w/ stealth is the inability to carry lots of weapons.  I think the JSF and the F22 should atleast have the option to have external hardpoints.  I wonder if they could coat bombs/missiles with Radar Absorbent Material (or RAM).

i think they will have the options for the pylons, they will be used for stealth at the beginning, taking out the sam sites, then when air superiority is established they can mount bombs and stuff onto the pylons and serve as multi-role aircraft ive heard. no need for stealth if there's nothing left to shoot you down.
Title: Re:stealth boat
Post by: bigdog632 on 07 Apr 2005, 08:04:14
that sea shadow is a test bed not a warship