Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: Dirtman on 04 Mar 2003, 21:37:37

Title: Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Dirtman on 04 Mar 2003, 21:37:37
I was just over at Operation Flashpoint CZ at http://ofp.gamezone.cz/ and saw that a controllable square parachute is out.  Download it and its great, even has a reserve chute if you have to cut away.  Here is the text:

Gandalf 21VB from the danish site 21vb sent us this cool addon! It's a controllable square parachute and a round controllable reserve parachute.
I tried it and it works well (for human players only), when you jump out of a plane/heli you choose when you'll open the parachute so you can be a real skydiver! You'll need OFP Version 1.90 or higher.
As usual read the readme.txt to understand how to make it work.

Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Dirtman on 04 Mar 2003, 22:31:40
I don't know about you guys, but Im having a blast.  Builtd a simple skydiving mission at the airport and set the plane to flyinheight 10000.  Takes some time to get up there (don't even know if I get that high), but the drop is great and I can get real close to the target area.  Tested the reserve in  a cutaway and worked great.  I see great insertion missions coming up for the Delta team.   ;D
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Nevres on 05 Mar 2003, 06:29:04
im havin a bit of trouble with it, the readme states that you have to call a script in the int of the player but the zip only has the pbo

give me a tip on how to make it work
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: registered_fugitiv on 05 Mar 2003, 09:39:03
hey this thing is the coolest i was jumping out of anything that could fly
no need to make a script just type this in the init feild of the player
[] exec "\21vbGlider\script\paradrop.sqs"
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Lt_Phoenix on 05 Mar 2003, 13:42:08
I've already tried it out, and it works great!!!

Used it in a mission to take out General Guba. Had my sniper transported within range of the target area flying at 500 ft, ejected, and the chute carried the sniper  the rest of the way (approx. 2 clicks). Worked like a charm.

Unfortunately AI units can't use it.
Still, excellent work  :D
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Josef on 05 Mar 2003, 18:24:09
Have anyone thought of making a REALLY cool thing possible... ?

I thought that if you use a new animation an the setpos getpos thing you CAN shoot while gliding down...

Anyone saw the Air Force one?

Or just mount a BAS M4 SopSD on it...
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Britboy on 05 Mar 2003, 18:28:57
im still confused as to how to get it to work.
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Dirtman on 05 Mar 2003, 19:02:50
Ok Britboy here you go.  You have to create a mission or edit a mission.  In the unit Init. field of the solder you want to have the parachute, type this:    [] exec "\21vbGlider\script\paradrop.sqs"    .  Place the solder in a plane or helo and when you fly over the area you want to jump at just eject.  I set the plane to flyinheight of at least 200 feet, this will give you time to open the chute.  I fould if you just jump and the original height the helo or plane fly on occasion the normal parachute will open.
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Mr_Shady on 05 Mar 2003, 20:24:38
Wow, time for some HALO and HAHO fun... coolest thing so far was freefalling in on a ZU-23 that i put on a roof, opening just high enough to not die, then cutting away from both chutes and dropping right behind the gun  ;D

Two buckshot enemas later and the gun's not swatting my side's helis  :)
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: PBA12511 on 06 Mar 2003, 00:30:08
For good HALO fun, wait until you get really far down and the parachute opens itself, thats what I call a HALO.
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Nevres on 06 Mar 2003, 06:20:16
i know it says that ai cant use it, but couldnt it be used withthe action menu? eg. 2 man team yourself and an ai companion, get them in a chopper and eject them high in the air, when you deploy your chute, quickly choose your #2 man and acces his action menu, then order him to deploy the chute, im still in the process of trying whaddaya think?
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Strangelove on 06 Mar 2003, 15:06:49
Yes, this addon is marvelous... I've noticed that you have to leave it a couple of seconds after the mission has started before ejecting or you will get a normal parachute.

Haven't tried it with AI units yet, but you might be able to control multiple team-mates by putting the various action commands into repeating triggers activated by the radio menu... all eject, all turn left, all turn right, all break etc. I might give it a go and report back.
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: DeLiltMon on 07 Mar 2003, 10:37:17
I tried a HAHO last night, I took Clink's Skyhawk up to 35000ft with the afterburner on and ejected over the airfield in the south west of Nogova, I was still at 22000ft when I got to the airfield on the island in the north and I didn't take the direct route, then I got bored and cut away both chutes and plunged head first firing my GPMG at the unsuspecting Russians standing on the runway  ;D
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: STGN on 07 Mar 2003, 14:34:36
I know it says that it needs 1.90 to play but do you think I could youse 1.85 to youse it.
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Dirtman on 07 Mar 2003, 21:43:16
Has anyone tested this out in MP yet.  If so please post your results.  Thanks   :)
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: DeLiltMon on 07 Mar 2003, 23:25:18
I think we might be trying it tomorow (The RSF that is)  :-\
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Mr_Shady on 08 Mar 2003, 18:47:46
Damn right, Lilty. I'm updating my personal statement right now so it says:

God is my parachute

Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Dirtman on 09 Mar 2003, 04:10:25
Teseted this in MP and it works great after I read this message from the builder:

I'm very happy that you like our addon!

There shouldn't be any problems to use it in both SP and MP-missions!

The problem for your friend is, that the addon won't work at all for him, right?
He must place the 21vbGlider.pbo in this directory:

Not in the:

If he dosen't have an addons folder in the root of OFP, then he should just make one.
He should also remember to restart OFP after he adds the addon, else the game won't recognice the addon.
Make sure that his OFP is patched to 1.90 minimum

When you make a mission, you should either put this line in the INIT.SQS or in the init-field of the soldier. Not both....
That might forces the scripts to run twice, and might cause some strange behaviour with the addon.

If you made a MP- or SP-mission where you 21vbGlider works...try to send the whole mission to your friend, for him to try.

Try the above, if you still encounter problems, feel free to mail me!

Best Regards

Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Gandalf 21VB on 14 Mar 2003, 17:59:40
Great you got it to work Dirtman!  :D
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Dirtman on 14 Mar 2003, 20:00:10
Gandalf what else have you guys been hiding over there.  Come on let us in on it.  It seems the 21stVB is way out in front with things like this.  Give it up........


Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Gandalf 21VB on 14 Mar 2003, 22:18:16
 ;D We are working on it.
Actually its a version 2 of the Glider, where the missionmaker can add wind to the mission, which effects the glider.
wind from 0- 360 degrees and 0 - 25 mph.
We also added playercontrolled opening of the reserve, so when the player ditches the square, he goes into a freefall again.
Plus some other stuff.
There are still some finetuning and testing to do, before release.
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Terame on 22 Mar 2003, 12:14:04
OK I folloed the instructions and SP works beautifully - obviously not for any troops with me though

Still can't get MP to work.

Both have the addon in Addons (not res/Addons)

I tried two different versions, one with command in each unit's "Initialise"

the second in the init.sqs

No go - any suggestions?
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Dirtman on 22 Mar 2003, 16:23:10
I have found the best way to make it works is by using the INIT.SQS and you have to remember it only works with the stock aircraft and not addons at this time.

Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Gandalf 21VB on 22 Mar 2003, 21:40:31
Hi Terame!

DaddlDiddl and his teammates found out that...
The linux server has some issues with scripts in addons (crashes the linux server, but works fine with any win32 server).

Please mail me, then i'll send you a test-mission.
The glider is for human players only. The scripts dosen't support AI's.

We tried the C-130ver1a, the Antonov, the Bronco and the BAS littlebirds. They all worked together with 21vbGlider and 10 players (C130/Antonov) jumping at the same time.  ;)
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Terame on 24 Mar 2003, 04:10:52
thanks, email sent

BTW not using Linux (saw that quote in your message and thought I should mention it :))

Looking forward to seeing how you did it :)
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: toadlife on 26 Mar 2003, 04:24:35
It would be cool if AI could use it, and if your decent speed didn't stop instant when pulling the chute.
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Terame on 26 Mar 2003, 04:29:35
Yeah I know what you mean about the speed issue, but still very cool compared the basic chute (YAWN) IMO
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Gandalf 21VB on 27 Mar 2003, 09:15:45
Toadlife i can see you made an excelent HALO script  ;D
Yes it would be cool to let the AI's use the glider....but that was not our goal when we created the glider...it should be a "human glider" to be used in 21vb in Coop or TDM/Team flag fight.

It won't be long before we release the version2 of the glider, with many new improvements. Selective (by misionmaker) Winddir/Windspeed, selective  (by misionmaker) autoopening height on the main chute (not the reserve anymore), improved steering, animation of chuteopening (as in OFP with the original chute), player shadow occurs on ground, the chutes can be damaged/destroyed, improved 1st person view (x and y axis), player damage/dead if speed is too high relative to the ground when landing, and some other minor corrections to the scrípt/addon.
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: red devil on 27 Mar 2003, 21:58:24
so u mean we will finaly be able to shoot down pras COOL  8) this would add  lot of tention and when used with toadlife's HALO script it would be brill as you would be franticaly trying 2 shoot the paras down as they open their shoot only a hundred or so meters or so from the ground. i say again COOL

(i hope this makes sence I am very tired)
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Gandalf 21VB on 27 Mar 2003, 23:29:59
Sorry red Devil, i don't think our Glider and Toadlife's script would work together.
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: TacMedic on 18 Apr 2003, 00:10:01
I downloaded the addon last week and me and some buddies tried it out in MP, it works great!!!

We set up a heli pad on the desert Island all all tried to get closest, I am proud to say I won landing only 2 feet away!

This is a great addon! I only wish cusor keys could be used instead of the action menu! maybe OFP 2 will include this!!


Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: the corinthian on 20 Apr 2003, 19:52:57
I tried using this but am having problems.

I have a radio trigger to call a script which then ejects the player, creates a 21vbglider at his position then moves him into the drivers seat. The chute opens and the player is put in it but I cant steer it as there is nothing on the action menu. The chute justs rolls around, tipping forwards with the player.

Any suggestions?
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: the corinthian on 21 Apr 2003, 03:24:38
I have tried creating a mission where I eject from a heli, i eject then am instantly on the ground, no parachute fall.

This is with the init.sqs containing the line from the readme.

How far off is version 2?
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Spooky on 21 Apr 2003, 04:29:18
  the corinthian just type this in the init feild of the player
[] exec "\21vbGlider\script\paradrop.sqs"  I set my vehicles flyn height to 900 m and then eject manually but it doesn't work with AI . this is the coolest thing you can glide for up to mearly 2 klms. By the way ai vehicles act a little retarded at 900m. test it out by jumping into a helo as the pilot then bailing out
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: the corinthian on 21 Apr 2003, 13:27:15
Spooky I have already tried it via the players init string and also by using an init.sqs (but not both together).
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: lpdotcom on 06 May 2003, 17:46:18
where is this init.sqs file?
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Yippyfn on 07 May 2003, 14:57:14
Where can I download the file?
Title: Re:Controllable square parachute is Out
Post by: Mr_Shady on 18 May 2003, 19:55:50
Here's a suggestion for the next version: main rig failure. Right now, the reserve chute isn't much use, but if the main rig could randomly fail (say, every 1 in 100 jumps), then it'd be great to have to cut away and pull the reserve  ;D