Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: Hashee on 22 Aug 2012, 19:24:58

Title: Custom sounds crashing OFP
Post by: Hashee on 22 Aug 2012, 19:24:58
Hello there,

I have a very weird problem. Custom .ogg sounds don't seem to work. They always crash OFP. For conversion to .ogg, I tried using using OFP Sound Lab, wavesurfer, FormatFactory and DbPowerAmp but the game always crashes when I play the sound. Sounds from default campaign work fine so I assume the problem is with the conversion. Any help?


Title: Re: Custom sounds crashing OFP
Post by: Gruntage on 22 Aug 2012, 19:33:41
You could try using Audacity (which is free). Make sure the sounds are 16bit.

It might be an issue with your description.ext. Would you mind posting a snippet of it so we can have a look?

Title: Re: Custom sounds crashing OFP
Post by: Hashee on 23 Aug 2012, 14:06:03
I'll try audacity in a few minutes...

In the meanwhile, here is my description.ext

Code: [Select]
class CfgSounds
sounds[] = { };

class SDave03
name = "SDave03";
sound[] = {"SDave03.ogg", db-0, 1.0};
titles[] =
0, $STR_SDave03
Title: Re: Custom sounds crashing OFP
Post by: Gruntage on 23 Aug 2012, 14:35:50
Code: [Select]
class casing
// Name to display in mission editor
name = "casing";
// Sound path, volume, pitch
sound[] = {\sound\casing.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
// Sound title text (set to no text)
titles[] = {};

Here's a snippet from one of my description.ext's. The only difference I can see between yours and mine is that you don't specify a directory (though I can't imagine this being the cause). In addition to what I said about the sounds being 16bit, make sure that the sounds are mono, and not stereo.

I've never encountered this issue before. A fault within the description.ext will cause the game to CTD, but an error message is always given afterwards.

If you haven't already, try using Chris's OFP Editor tool, or ArmaEdit.exe. Both should be available from the editors' depot. These will create a description.ext for you.

Hope this helps
Title: Re: Custom sounds crashing OFP
Post by: Hashee on 23 Aug 2012, 20:54:38
Sorry for the delay, I had internet issues.

So I tried audacity and converted my .wav into a 16 bit mono .ogg file but OFP still crashed. I'm providing you the links to my .wav and .ogg files.

WAV: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14493878/SDave03.wav
OGG: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14493878/SDave03.ogg

Please let me know if you find the issue.  :(

Title: Re: Custom sounds crashing OFP
Post by: Gruntage on 23 Aug 2012, 21:32:34
I had a quick look at the .ogg sound file, and after comparing to some of mine, the only difference is the project rate. The project rate of my sound files is 40k+, and yours is only 22k. I'm not sure what it means.

I'll try testing the sound out in my game and get back to you.
Title: Re: Custom sounds crashing OFP
Post by: Lenyoga on 24 Aug 2012, 03:19:10
I tried the .ogg file, it's either damaged or in the wrong format.
Well, all I can do is give you the right parameters for the .wav files to be converted to .ogg:

Format: PCM
44.100 kHz
8 bit
(43 KB/Sek.)

That's the way it works best for me, although other attributes might also work. I hope that helps.
Title: Re: Custom sounds crashing OFP
Post by: savedbygrace on 04 Sep 2012, 23:39:41
I don't believe improper sound files crash the game. Config issues crash the game. I've tried using sound files of various types to see what OFP could handle and if the file format is not compatible, the engine will just not play it. The only point of worrying over recorded format is when converting to lip file. Copy and paste a working Description.ext from another mission, insert some of your own sound names into the class names and test it out.
Title: Re: Custom sounds crashing OFP
Post by: Lenyoga on 05 Sep 2012, 12:50:19
Have you tried any other custom sound files? Are other ones working, or does every custom sound crash the game?