Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: Messiah on 24 Aug 2002, 16:49:51

Title: custom flag (bear with me here)
Post by: Messiah on 24 Aug 2002, 16:49:51
basically - the official flag pack used jpgs that u accesed by typing in where they were and their name:

this setflagtexture "\flags\flagname.jpg"

so since it uses jpgs i was wondering if i could just make a red square (what are the dimentions for the flag ?) and put it in the mission folder and then place that on the flag pole?

reason being is that i want a red flag to mark out a firing range  ;)


Title: Re:custom flag (bear with me here)
Post by: mikeb on 24 Aug 2002, 16:52:48
You pretty much answered your own question.  create any jpg file where the dimensions are ^2 (i.e.1024,512,256, etc) and then place the jpg in the misssions folder.  You can then call it with setflagtexture "nameofpic.jpg"
Title: Re:custom flag (bear with me here)
Post by: Messiah on 24 Aug 2002, 16:55:46
aaah ok.... so these have to b 2^n as well... ok, i'll try


Title: Re:custom flag (bear with me here)
Post by: mikeb on 24 Aug 2002, 16:56:35
So I've been told, haven't tried it myself
Title: Re:custom flag (bear with me here)
Post by: Messiah on 24 Aug 2002, 17:07:32
hey... cool... that was damn easy... isnt life like that :hmm:

thanx again mikey
