Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => ArmA - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: desertjedi on 04 Sep 2009, 21:16:04

Title: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: desertjedi on 04 Sep 2009, 21:16:04
I played a little with assigning two different colors to the AI men in the squad I commanded in the middle of a mission thus sort of splitting my squad into two teams - that both still reported to me.

It was a bit tedious doing it in the middle of a mission. Is there a way to have this done before the mission starts? Maybe putting something on the init line of every AI soldier in my squad? The colors would be hard-coded - I simply need my squad broken into two "colored" teams. If I could do it with three I'd be like a pig in...uh, mud.

I did a search on groupcolor but it looked like the peeps were trying to do something a bit more sophisticated and I did not understand it.

I play alone with AI mates and so many missions are written for A LOT of players. By having multiple teams, I could probably do much better than having everyone together. BTW, anyone know what the max number of AI mates I can have in my squad?
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: Mandoble on 13 Sep 2009, 18:09:58
Not sure it is doable in ArmA1, you can create teams in ArmA2 with new commands not present in A1.
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: Wolfrug on 14 Sep 2009, 09:13:22
If you mean the in-game colours (e.g., red, green, blue, yellow etc) then you can simply use assignTeam (http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=details&id=402&game=All) before the mission starts.  :good:

If you mean something else, e.g. having half the team be Alpha Blue 1 and half the team Gamma Green 3 or whatever, then I don't think that'll work out...

Wolfrug out.
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: haroon1992 on 14 Sep 2009, 16:10:05
It is said that a leader can have 133 units in his team in ArmA....
and 11 units in his team when he is in OFP.

[But i don't think you can handle 100+ men!!!!! Damn its something that'll boil your brain!]
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: desertjedi on 14 Sep 2009, 23:51:46
If you mean the in-game colours (e.g., red, green, blue, yellow etc) then you can simply use assignTeam before the mission starts.

Could I do that in the INIT line of each of the soldiers?
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: Worldeater on 15 Sep 2009, 02:21:14
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: desertjedi on 12 Oct 2009, 17:55:39
Could I do that in the INIT line of each of the soldiers?
I tried this and it did not work. It seems that it's simply ignored.
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: tcp on 12 Oct 2009, 18:16:48
I don't know why that wouldn't work in the init line, but you could try:
Nul = [this,"RED"] execVM "assignTeam.sqf";

Code: (assignTeam.sqf) [Select]
sleep 1;
waitUntil {alive (leader (_this select 0))};
(_this select 0) assignTeam (_this select 1);

(leader (_this select 0)) might need to be replaced by whatever you name the unit you are going to play as.
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: desertjedi on 13 Oct 2009, 00:19:45
Thanks - that worked great - just as is!

In my failed attempt using the init line of each AI soldier, I used 'this assignTeam "RED"' if I recall correctly. Should I have used "_this" instead?
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: tcp on 13 Oct 2009, 01:36:03
No, everything you do in the editor will use global variables (this, without the _). Anything being done in a script should use local variables (_this) unless you explicitly want the variable to persist and retain its value when running other scripts.

If you're interested, to take it one step further, local variables can actually been seen by any functions you call from within a script, unless you use the private command. Also, a global variable is exclusive to the client is was set on. If you want to pass it to all clients, you would use publicVariable command.
Title: Re: Way to start mission with my men divided into two different "colors"?
Post by: desertjedi on 14 Oct 2009, 17:50:22
If you're interested, to take it one step further, local variables can actually been seen by any functions you call from within a script, unless you use the private command. Also, a global variable is exclusive to the client is was set on. If you want to pass it to all clients, you would use publicVariable command.

Wow, it sounds like some high-level programming languages I've dealt with. Thanks for the clarification. I knew a little of these concepts in Arma but I've never seen it explained SO CLEARLY before!