Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => Arma2 - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: johnnyboy on 02 Aug 2009, 20:24:14

Title: Disable driving AI?--Solved: Evasion behavior was in Mando Move
Post by: johnnyboy on 02 Aug 2009, 20:24:14

I am using Mando_move to make a nice well behaved convoy drive through a series of waypoints.

My problem is that when a vehicle is fired on, the Driver AI forces driver to take evasive action.  This completely ruins the desired driving path that I am using Mando_move for.

I want mando_move to control the vehicle completely, without driver ai interference.

Is there a way to turn off unit's AI completely?

I have tried:

- setcombatmode "careless"
- setbehaviour "blue"
- setskill 0
- disableAI "MOVE"
- disableai "TARGET";
- disableai "AUTOTARGET";
- disableai "ANIM";

I have also tried using a unit created via CreateVehicle (since they are completely dumb).  But createVehicled units will not obey the AssignAsDriver and MoveInDriver commands.

My last resort may be to remove the driver, and switchmove a unit to the driver animation, and AttachTo the unit in the correct place behind the steering wheel.  But I am hoping for a simpler way.

Any ideas?

Ediit:  My problem was not AI, but evasion behavior built into Mando Move.  I disabled Mando's evasion code, and my convoy is now very well behaved.

Note that the evasion behavior is a very cool feature of Mando Move, and works great.  But in my particular case I do not want the vehicles to deviate from their path.
Title: Re: Disable driving AI?
Post by: Barbolani on 03 Aug 2009, 16:57:30
Just a question... why do you want an ambushed truck to behave just as If nothing happens, driving following the formation, staying on the road, caring about wheres the leader truck...?

I mean, If I were an ambushed driver I would take evasive or if not, at least I would full throttle and try to escape ahead (and that's easily scriptable I guess)
Title: Re: Disable driving AI?
Post by: johnnyboy on 03 Aug 2009, 17:42:54
Good question.  But I want them to accelerate through, not immediately veer left or right into trees, poles, houses, etc.

Also good for a scripted "Generation Kill" style mission, where the Humvees haul ass through a hot urban area (probably a stupid tactical move, but it happened).   AI would never haul ass through a hot zone.
Title: Re: Disable driving AI?
Post by: laggy on 03 Aug 2009, 18:25:12
This will not help you in any way Johnnyboy, but I think you are on an interesting topic.

Ideally, the AIs reaction to different situations, should take their main objective into account.

In your case: getting the convoy through the area, no matter what.

Your problem is the same as I've always encountered in mission editing, where i wanted the enemy to brutally "storm" enemy positions, without care for life and limb, just moving forward. That is equally hard to achieve.

If there was some kind of objective/survival priority percentage, built into the game, this could be possible.

Maybe some scripting guru can create a good workaround for this behaviour.


P.S I see that Inkompetent is reading this thread... he seems quite good with fsm scripts, maybe he can do it, I would ask him nicely. D.S
Title: Re: Disable driving AI?
Post by: johnnyboy on 03 Aug 2009, 18:30:01
I was completely on the wrong track with this one.  I dug deeper into Mando Move script and see this Evasion behavior is built into his script.  When I comment it out the evasion code, vehicles controlled by Mando Move will hold true to their path, no matter how much incoming fire they are taking.

My particular problem is now solved. 

But I know we all still wish for a way to make AI bolder as Laggy says...