Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => Arma2 - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: Breeze on 17 Jul 2009, 18:16:27

Title: Example Mission
Post by: Breeze on 17 Jul 2009, 18:16:27
I am going through the material provided on the web site to learn what I can about the editor there and I like the material I was wondering if the example mission will also be made for Arma2 as I am sure that things like syntax would be alot better for me to see on the actual mission.

Oh and I love the exsplanation here it is much easier than other things I have read.

I am up to the triggers and I want to understand that as best I can.

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Example Mission
Post by: nominesine on 17 Jul 2009, 21:31:56
An example mission or two might pop up eventually. It's not unlikely. Meanwhile I sugest that you open one of the premade missions that came with the game. They are packed with a compression system called PBO, and can thus be opened with the dePbo-programs found in our Editor's Depot.

I suggest that you chose a simple mission from Boot Camp to start with. They are quite small and therefore easier to understand once you have opened them in the editor. Starting with triggers is a good idea. Triggers are your best friend as a mission designer :D

Welcome to the Ofpec Forum
Title: Re: Example Mission
Post by: DrKissinger1 on 26 Jul 2009, 03:17:21
Hey there! Could anyone perhaps point me towards these editor tutorials Breeze speaks of? I edited a bit back in the days of OFP, but I could use a refresher course, and I wasn't able to find the basic tutorials in the editing depot.
Title: Re: Example Mission
Post by: Wolfrug on 26 Jul 2009, 16:02:07
Here you go (http://www.ofpec.com/tutorials/index.php?action=show&id=14).  :good:

Wolfrug out.
Title: Re: Example Mission
Post by: DrKissinger1 on 26 Jul 2009, 16:40:38
Much appreciated!