Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: ONoSixIsDown on 28 Aug 2008, 06:23:05

Title: ungrouped loons follow player into/out of vehicle
Post by: ONoSixIsDown on 28 Aug 2008, 06:23:05
I'm using a script that makes loons follow a player in a casual manner. I use variables to determin wether the script will run or not so they can join the player without problems.  However, i want them to follow me into a truck when i get in.  even if i end the follow script, and both assignAsCargo and [this] orderGetIn = true, the loons hop right back out of the truck and get back in and so on and so on.  I've check every trigger, every variable, and every name.  Is there an easier way to get them to both follow me without being in my group and have them board/get out of a vehicle and have them follow again?

any help or insight is most welcome
Title: Re: ungrouped loons follow player into/out of vehicle
Post by: Walter_E_Kurtz on 28 Aug 2008, 14:40:52
I hope the answer might simply be in your syntax. I think the correct format in a script ought to be:
Code: [Select]
[this] orderGetIn trueNo 'equal sign' necessary.

Are the loons individuals, or are they in groups of their own? If in groups, it might make sense to make sure the leader boards first.

Are you using EventHandlers GetIn and GetOut for the vehicles?
Title: Re: ungrouped loons follow player into/out of vehicle
Post by: ONoSixIsDown on 30 Aug 2008, 04:39:06
no, the loons are all ungrouped when i have them following me casually.  i double checked all my syntax still can't find a reason why they would continously hop in and out.  I'm also using a variable that gets tripped when ever the player enters a vehicle that will halt the follow script and also will reactivate the follow script when the player exits a vehicle.  I'm not at my computer at the moment but I'll put up the scripts i'm using and a demo mission with them so you guys can pick it apart and hopefully steer me in the right direction