Addons & Mods Depot => ArmA - Addons & Mods Discussion => Topic started by: Callaghan on 14 Mar 2008, 11:28:31

Title: Recoil Config - Someone must know...
Post by: Callaghan on 14 Mar 2008, 11:28:31
Hi all I am releasing a document soon that contains advanced config details for all weapons and ammunition including all the popular 3rd party addons.
This will serve me on another project where I need a fair pricing system for a shop script (the file contains formulae that calculate value of gun from many different other variables) as well as serving those writing scripts for various things, the fact that details for all 3rd party addons can be found in one source should encourage script writers to take into account all this community made work into their work and therefore encourage collaboration and generally more detailed work.

Uno problemo..
Can anyone make sense of the recoil system in the config???
Code: [Select]
RHS_AK74_Recoil[]=    {0,0,0,0.060000,0.01000,0.012,0.10,0,-0.020000,0.100000,-0.010000,0.010000,0.050000,0,0};
      RHS_AK74_prRecoil[]=       {0,0,0,0.060000,0.0100,0.0100,0.10,0,-0.02000,0.10000,-0.010000,0.010000,0.050000,0,0};

wtf does this mean? need to know as it is one of the most important variables in the document
Title: Re: Recoil Config - Someone must know...
Post by: Planck on 14 Mar 2008, 14:29:11
They are sets of 3 number groups, representing: time taken, kick back value and kick up value.

There seems to be a few groups of 3, why?, I have no real idea apart from maybe different fire rates possibly.

Wiki (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgRecoils) has a page about it.

Title: Re: Recoil Config - Someone must know...
Post by: Callaghan on 14 Mar 2008, 16:46:01
ok thanks, is anyone able to break it down further?
What you said about groups of 3 per firing mode makes sense - timetaken, kickup, kickback.
But this gun has 15 variables and a max of 3 fire modes (non-player usable burst-fire) so either there are 5 groups of 3 or 3 groups of 5, unless a few of the variables are for something else altogether.
have a good think and let me know what makes most sense, guess I could just ask an addon maker
Title: Re: Recoil Config - Someone must know...
Post by: Planck on 14 Mar 2008, 16:56:18
how about this.......

The first group of 3 is the zero point..... 0,0,0

The next three is time taken for recoil, amount of kick back, amount of kick up.

The next group is the time taken, the amount kick back returns to normal position, the amount kick up returns to normal position.

The next group is the time taken, the amount kick back returns to normal position, the amount kick up returns to normal position.

Last group back to steady.

Or something similar.

Title: Re: Recoil Config - Someone must know...
Post by: Callaghan on 19 Mar 2008, 11:32:12
that makes sense..
Cool i shall give it a try