OFPEC The Editing Center => General Announcements => Topic started by: snYpir on 27 Oct 2002, 10:44:10

Title: Official Command Reference now online
Post by: snYpir on 27 Oct 2002, 10:44:10
hi all!

we now have a copy of the official command reference online. we have simply parsed the official xml version and entered the data into our dbase.

this means you can view it online, search it and make comments/notes on individual commands, types and arrays.

get to it here:


the idea here is that you dudes enter comments on individual commands as you see fit, building up an encyclopedia based on the official command ref.

this is a concept that backoff and I came up with two days ago, so please let us know what you think here.

it is of course slower that the downloadable version, but the ability to add comments to each and every entry should come in handy.

we'll expand the search functionality in time.

Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: angusjm on 27 Oct 2002, 12:58:16
I could try and create a database programme that searched it from your desktop, that means that we could update it any time.

Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: Backoff on 27 Oct 2002, 18:57:31
I could try and create a database programme that searched it from your desktop, that means that we could update it any time.


It's a cool idea, but that means we will have to provide an account with write access on the database... mmmh, i don't think it will be possible  :-\
Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: PakoAry on 29 Oct 2002, 06:49:18

the idea here is that you dudes enter comments on individual commands as you see fit, building up an encyclopedia based on the official command ref.

Would someone filter, edit, or select the comments added or would it be free to grow wildly (bloat)?

té mais

Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: snYpir on 29 Oct 2002, 09:28:49
members post whatever they like, and it sort of grows in a haphazard uncontrolled manner.

hell, why not?

i put a scary message on the 'post comment' page to keep people in line ;D

staff can view comments easily from the view comments page:


so we can keep an eye on things.

basically, if it helps other people or asks a question i don't mind if is posted as a comment. saves people posting the same thing over and over in the forum.
Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: snYpir on 29 Oct 2002, 09:33:02
i'll write a function to 'collapse' comments eventually (when they start to build up), or that hides older comments.

this is sort of an experiment - hopefully people will only post valid, helpful comments. if not, i'll shut the system down and the forum will be the only method of comms. :'(
Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: PakoAry on 29 Oct 2002, 11:13:03
hell, why not?(...)
if not, i'll shut the system down and the forum will be the only method of comms.

good point. If it proves itself useless, we don't use it...


té mais
Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: Nomis on 05 Nov 2002, 14:29:33
Couldn't you do it in some way like the FAQ's?
Maybe you could have a thread simply for new commands for the reference, then a mod goes through the list and adds new items to the database, time consuming but if a new mod was hired (volunteered) then im sure that could work.
Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: Dschulle on 19 Jan 2003, 01:42:02
Missing commands:

unit engineOn <true/false>

IsEngineOn unit
(returns true/false)
Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: snYpir on 19 Jan 2003, 04:27:16
Thanks! I will add it! Any idea when (which version) it works from?
Title: Re:Official Command Reference now online
Post by: Black_Feather on 19 Jan 2003, 16:57:36
there's this too, but it always returns the player for me.


_target = CameraOn

returns the object that the camera is attached to.