Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => ArmA - Editing/Scripting Multiplayer => Topic started by: sharkyjoe on 02 Oct 2007, 18:42:16

Title: BLUFOR Boat Need to Change sides to OPFOR
Post by: sharkyjoe on 02 Oct 2007, 18:42:16
I read form search.  found Men changing sides.  Nothing on Boats/Vehicles

Ok Set up.
MP mission. OPFOR crew in BlUFOR boat. When playing in mission the boat shows Friendly to Blufor even though the Opfor crew is in it.
Is there any way we can change the Boat so it sides with Opfor so it shows "Red" on the target/being Opfor's boat.

While I'm thinking about it, why didnt they put more than One boat for OPFOR to use?? :dunno:
Title: Re: BLUFOR Boat Need to Change sides to OPFOR
Post by: Blazin on 05 Oct 2007, 01:53:58
Open your missions folder (I'm not sure of the ArmA users and mission folders locations) and oopen the mission.sqm in notepad

Find the entry to the boat and change "WEST" to "EAST"

IT'll show as OpFor to BluFor :D

EDIT: Actualy Im not sure... if you placed an empty boat then change it from whatever it is (Empty?) to East. Maybe..
Title: Re: BLUFOR Boat Need to Change sides to OPFOR
Post by: sharkyjoe on 06 Oct 2007, 20:56:01
Ok I will that a go.
Title: Re: BLUFOR Boat Need to Change sides to OPFOR
Post by: sharkyjoe on 10 Oct 2007, 05:15:07
Sorry to say that didn't work  :weeping:

One thing it did do was, it was targetable. However, it still stayed green, friendly and my guys shot the OPFOR in the boat, when I told them to, not on there own. So to them its still friendly to them. Boat was still good condition. LOL

Also by going in and switching it to east, I think(maybe? maybe not?) it made my game crash a couple of times. Could have been just a chance happening.

Any other Ideas Out there??

Mod a East Turret boat? Is one out there?

Why didnt they make a C-130 or Female Civys or LST boat that a helio can land on espc. with all these islands??
Title: Re: BLUFOR Boat Need to Change sides to OPFOR
Post by: sharkattack on 02 Jan 2008, 15:09:32
it is possible to "turn it red"  ( thanx mandoble)

create a small trigger around the boat then group the boat to the trigger
vehicle not present

on activation
vehiclename addRating - (rating vehiclename)*1000

as soon as boat leaves the trigger area it will turn renegade and appear red on map