Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => ArmA - Editing/Scripting Resources Beta Testing & Submission => Topic started by: LCD on 04 Jul 2007, 15:12:23

Title: LCDs Brute force hacking (ACCEPTED)
Post by: LCD on 04 Jul 2007, 15:12:23
here a lil script i toyed w/ while in work... my laptop runs sahrani w/ lag (even if deres no soldiers) but i still used da time in a useful way... if u ever played splinter cell DA u shud know how 2 use it... if now... when its ready press da hack boton and den chose da numbers dat freeze

its still not da most user friendly but i think im gonna improve dat ;)

[edit] here is newer version... showin da script as its gonna b in my mision

ny comments welcome


ps. use radio triger alpha 2 start script

[edit] step by step instructions

1) press radio alpha

2) after the device checks the computer press hack (buton on the botom right of rightest dialog)

3) now you have to work fast... as deres only 30 seconds before da hack fails (notice timer on the up right of the rightest dialog)

4) in the rightest dialog you will see numbers running on screen... after some time some of the numbers will freeze... as soon as you see a number freezing click on it
Title: Re: LCDs Brute force hacking
Post by: The-Architect on 04 Jul 2007, 16:06:19
Could you explain what it is? I never played Splinter Cell.
Title: Re: LCDs Brute force hacking
Post by: h- on 04 Jul 2007, 16:10:25
Hmm, could be a fun little gem  :)

It's a simple dialog to simulate some PDA type of thing hacking a computer password.

Couple of suggestions after a shortish test:
- Add a button to close the dialog and then make sure it can't be closed by pressing esc (can't remember the details, but those should be available searching these forums.. something in lines of if this dialog is not open and this condition is not true re-launch the dialog)
- Add a button to cancel the hacking (you know, in case you need to get the f outta there and fast  :D )..
- Speed up the hacking because after like 3 minutes it was still going and that starts to get a bit annoying/boring... I think even my C-64 could perform faster  :P
Title: Re: LCDs Brute force hacking
Post by: JasonO on 04 Jul 2007, 16:49:28
Apart from the slowness (maybe make a variable to set a speed of how long it should take?), it was very good.
Title: Re: LCDs Brute force hacking
Post by: LCD on 04 Jul 2007, 18:14:53
nobody here plays splinter cell eh ? :P

2 make it go fast what u need is 2 chose a numebr when it freezes... den da hackin device goes and uses da num 4 da whole line

(lets say da code in my example is at da 1st time da dialog in da 1st line shows 15 u click on dat 15 nd it will b checked 4 da whole dialog... dis way itll take lot less time)

Add a button to close the dialog and then make sure it can't be closed by pressing esc (can't remember the details, but those should be available searching these forums.. something in lines of if this dialog is not open and this condition is not true re-launch the dialog)

i think ill use escape 2 close it... escae means qet da f oitta dere fast... dis will also stop da hacking

Speed up the hacking because after like 3 minutes it was still going and that starts to get a bit annoying/boring... I think even my C-64 could perform faster

im gonna add time limit... so da player has 2 choose (in da way i explained above) nd da computer will turn itself off after 30 seconds

Title: Re: LCDs Brute force hacking
Post by: h- on 04 Jul 2007, 18:45:19
I see..

Well, in the final version you really should explain how the whole thing works..  :scratch:
I've played the first 2 (or 3 ???, I think 87th is out soon..) Splinter Cells and none of them had any hacking..
Title: Re: LCDs Brute force hacking
Post by: LCD on 04 Jul 2007, 18:54:24

yeah... its da 4th dat has hacking i think... ill explain in da next version... as im addin option 2 fail da hackin

Title: Re: LCDs Brute force hacking
Post by: JasonO on 05 Jul 2007, 05:23:46
Maybe make it possible for enemy units within a certain distance to be alerted by an alarm, and make them come to your location if it fails? That would be interesting.