Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => ArmA - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: Jeff2121 on 20 May 2007, 07:57:14

Title: Arming Civvies
Post by: Jeff2121 on 20 May 2007, 07:57:14
Okay, so I've searched and searched and searched on how to arm civvies. I know you can do it in OFP, but I'm not sure how to do it in AA. I'm trying to make a huge mission where the civillians riot and start shooting everyone and blowing up carbombs and IEDs, just complete chaos. Anyways, I've got the IED and carbomb thing worked out, so I only got two problems:

1. Arming civillians, which I know uses the Init field, just don't know how.

2. How to make the Russian and UN soldiers shoot at them when they fire back.

I remember seeing a thread about this a while back, but I can't find it. :P

So, if anyone could be kind enough to help me out, I'd appreciate it   :)
Title: Re: Arming Civvies
Post by: johnnyboy on 20 May 2007, 08:09:26
Use addmagazine and addweapon commands.  For example, the following commands in the init field will give a unit an M16 and 3 magazines:

Code: [Select]
this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; thisaddMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addWeapon "M16A2";
Here's the link to the ARMA Wiki that shows all the weapon names and magazine names:


Add magazines before adding the weapon, and the weapon will be loaded.  If you add the weapon first, then the magazines, then the weapon starts out unloaded.

Search the wiki for all commands (like addmagazine and addweapon);

Title: Re: Arming Civvies
Post by: Jeff2121 on 20 May 2007, 08:18:52
Thanks!  :D Lol, I wasn't expecting such a quick reply :P

Okay, I'll search around and stuff, maybe I can dig up that thread I saw.
Title: Re: Arming Civvies
Post by: johnnyboy on 20 May 2007, 18:52:22
Here's a link addressing your same issues.  I have a post in there about 6 posts down that describes how to group a civilian to the Opfor or Blufor so that he will be the enemy of whoever you want him to be enemy of.  Plus the thread talks about how to make civilians stand and fight better (because Bohemia Interactive chose to code the civilian AI differently, and they often just run off, even if armed).


Also, check out this mission I just posted:


In it, I have armed civilians joining opfor, and some joining blufor (plus I need some feed back on the mission...how's that for sneaking a in a self serving advertisement?  ;) ).