Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => ArmA - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: liveforever2403 on 17 Feb 2007, 22:19:32

Title: How similar are editting codes in ArmA to OFP?
Post by: liveforever2403 on 17 Feb 2007, 22:19:32
In other words whats different in this editor comapred to OFP? Are the OFP resources still valid to ArmA as I read that not all OFP codes should be assumed to be compatable with ArmA. I'm wondering as i'm anxious to start using the editor as effectively as possible without having to test every little snippet.

As soon as America gets this game all the hardcores can write some tutorials for us idiots :) although it makes a change for the US not to be the first get somthing.
Title: Re: How similar are editting codes in ArmA to OFP?
Post by: h- on 18 Feb 2007, 08:30:33
The editor is basicly the same.
There a a couple of new things you can select from say a waypoint window but that's about it (there are a couple new waypoint types and formations)..

The scripting has evolved with tons of new commands to play around with. Check the COMREF (http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=list&game=All&letter=a) for commands you don't recognise :P
Also the sqs style of scripting is considered 'dead' in ArmA as it now prefers sqf scripting (you can write 'normal' scripts with the same syntax as sqf functions in OFP)..
But sqs still works just fine..

Are the OFP resources still valid to ArmA
It depends on the resource.

For example if a script uses some object from OFP it will not work in ArmA unless that object is changed into an object from ArmA.
And obviously any OFP resource example missions will not work..
Title: Re: How similar are editting codes in ArmA to OFP?
Post by: LeeHunt on 19 Feb 2007, 13:53:30
The code's not that different. There are some minor differences here and there, but i've been able to copy and paste entire Ofpec scripts and tutorial missions into AA without a problem.   Thankfully 95% of Ofpec's resources, including Chris OFP Script Editor/Wizard, still work well!!!