Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => ArmA - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: LeeHunt on 17 Feb 2007, 03:39:25

Title: How to empty a Ural/truck of its ammo and weapon pool
Post by: LeeHunt on 17 Feb 2007, 03:39:25
Hey folks,

How do you strip a Ural or truck or any vehicle of its "divinely-given" ammo and weapons pool?  The game seems to give each vehicle, empty or not, an arsenal on creation!  I tried searching the COMREF and couldnt find any command to remove all the magazines/weapons.   Setting ammo to zero doesn't work and neither does "removeallweapons this."  Strange but even civilian Urals in war-torn Sahrani are stocked with boxes of machine gun ammo and RPG rockets!!! lol 

Thanks for your help

PS  Chris's OFP Script Editor/Wizard (listed in the COMREF tools) still works like a charm in AA!!  Its saved me many, many hours of work!
Title: Re: How to empty a Ural/truck of its ammo and weapon pool
Post by: Planck on 17 Feb 2007, 03:59:55
Use clearMagazineCargo and clearWeaponCargo to remove the weapons and magazines from the vehicles cargo.

Similarly you can use addMagazineCargo and addWeaponCargo to add the items you want instead.

Look at the OFPEC Command Reference (http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=list&game=All&letter=a) for details of these, and other commands.

Title: Re: How to empty a Ural/truck of its ammo and weapon pool
Post by: LeeHunt on 17 Feb 2007, 05:10:06
thanks Plank!  somehow i didnt think of the word "clear" while searching COMREF! Thanks for the help