Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: Otacon on 19 Aug 2006, 19:27:26

Title: ending mission question
Post by: Otacon on 19 Aug 2006, 19:27:26
Hi all,

Maybe a very silly question, but I cannot find the answer anywhere.. But.. Is there a trigger command to end a mission when ALL enemies in the triggers radius are dead? If so, wich one? It would be very annoying if I had to name all my enemies in that certain mission and then not (alive unit1) and not etc...

And another question for yet another ending for a mission.. The trigger must detect all the players (that are alive) in your squad in order to end, my question is what is the correct condition line?

Well I hope anyone can help, thx in advance :)
Title: Re: ending mission question
Post by: Pilot on 19 Aug 2006, 19:36:39
1. Set the trigger to Side Not Present, where Side is the side of the enemy (East, West, or Resistance)

2. Group the trigger to the player, and set it to Whole Group Present.


Correction in #2

Oh yeah, be sure to make all the tiggers an ending trigger of some sort.

Ahhh, where are my manners?  Welcome to the OFPEC Forums! :welcome:
Title: Re: ending mission question
Post by: Otacon on 19 Aug 2006, 20:15:03
uhh tried nr one.. It says "side not present" but there is only the "not present" option, where must i input the side? For instance the enemy is East, where do I need to input that?

nr 2 works fine, thx very much on that one! :)
Title: Re: ending mission question
Post by: Pilot on 19 Aug 2006, 20:33:45
There should be an Activation box next to the Present, Not Present, and Detected By options.  Click in the box to get a drop-down list, the list should contain the following
Radio Alpha
Radio Bravo

Title: Re: ending mission question
Post by: Otacon on 19 Aug 2006, 20:57:38
ahyes.. Forgive my noobishness  :D

Thx alot, you've helped a big load :)
Title: Re: ending mission question
Post by: Pilot on 19 Aug 2006, 21:00:37
No problem, and don't worry about being a noob.  We all had to start somewhere ;)
