OFPEC The Editing Center => Comments & Suggestions => Topic started by: Raiden on 19 Oct 2002, 17:59:07

Title: War stories
Post by: Raiden on 19 Oct 2002, 17:59:07
i think ofpec.com should have a section where people can submit there ofp war stories, like being on a suicide mission and coming out alive, and how they did it. That would be pretty nice. ;)
Title: Re:War stories
Post by: Messiah on 19 Oct 2002, 19:35:09
hmmm, interesting idea, but i think that could be open to people talking 'bull' and making up stories, and also flame wars as some people will challenge tghese hoaxers

maybe a realism page - where people can ask advice on SOP and situations and radio chatter - just another idea.
Title: Re:War stories
Post by: Raiden on 19 Oct 2002, 20:24:25
ya thats true, and that idea sounds pretty good, share tactics and stuff. oh a tactics forum, lol be a good idea.
Title: Re:War stories
Post by: HotShot on 19 Oct 2002, 21:36:32
A C&C site called Raden have a section for war stories (the logo for its from OFP) which are made up but use units from C&C Red Alert 2 in the story. How about the same idea for OFP, made up stories which are related to OFP?


http://www.cncgames.com/ra2warstories.shtml (http://www.cncgames.com/ra2warstories.shtml)
Title: Re:War stories
Post by: Raiden on 19 Oct 2002, 21:53:57
that'b good, people make up stories and mission makers can go in there and pick storys to make into missions.

possibility ;)
Title: Re:War stories
Post by: HotShot on 19 Oct 2002, 22:02:52
people make up stories and mission makers can go in there and pick storys to make into missions.

Even better! Never thought of it that way, would it be too much like the Mission Idea's board?
Title: Re:War stories
Post by: Raiden on 19 Oct 2002, 22:34:28
thats true, hmm??
Title: Re:War stories
Post by: Raiden on 19 Oct 2002, 22:36:04
ya itll be like it but you have to get into full detail of what is supposed to happen and they can not come from any movies or history, like brande new on the shelf  stories and no movie crap. :D
Title: Re:War stories
Post by: Wolfsbane on 19 Oct 2002, 23:16:37
It's been thought of before, but for the time being, it isn't going to happen.

Many reasons for this, from grammar corrections, to logistics, to people simply doing it. There are plans for something along these lines in the future, but read, future.

Title: Re:War stories
Post by: Mobius on 06 Nov 2002, 00:37:21
Isn't that pretty much the same idea as the Off-Topic-Bpard?
Seeing as it is off-topic...
Title: Re:War stories
Post by: Tomb on 06 Nov 2002, 01:29:38
  An ofpec storyboard is a good idea.

...zipped (or not) WORD doc's with cool mission stories,
a bit like the Mission: Ideas (http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse/index.php?board=22) board, but extended in the
way that you may only upload a full/completed story,
not unfinished stuff.

Then mission makers could get inpired or even decide to 'make'
this or that chosen story - without asking the author, as he put
it up for (free) grabs in the first place.

Nice thought  :)