Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: Xai on 02 Jun 2006, 19:04:09

Title: Addon Conflicts
Post by: Xai on 02 Jun 2006, 19:04:09
I'm very happy. I just downloaded the CSLA II mod and am thoroughly enjoying playing Flashpoint with it. Even ignoring the newly added content, simply playing the old East vs West with their new models and cool animations is fantastic. I'm having a great time going through all the old missions I've made and playing them with this mod. The tweaks to accuracy are noticable. Firing an AK at range, even whilst prone and looking down ironsights, is quite a hit and miss affair. This means firefights go on for ages longer and are much more intense. The sounds too are much improved, wearing my headset and firing the AK with the sound turned up is incredible.

So in other words, having just played Flashpoint for 4 years, I've just found something that makes it completely fresh again. Ace. Not that this is the first time I've tried a proper mod, but the only other two I've played (the Nam and Civil War ones) left me a bit unimpressed really. They were good for a short time, but I soon wanted to get back to the usual business. The great thing about this one is, because it's the same time setting as Flashpoint, it just essentially adds more content, without making the original stuff redundant. It's almost just like an amazing patch.

However, with this newfound joy comes a couple of questions.

Firstly, what would be the effect if I downloaded another mod, say, Finnish Defence Forces (which looks great)? I mean, I know they don't run off the same exe. If I run flashpoint normally, I don't get all the CSLA II stuff in game. I have to run the mod from it's own exe for the content to be present. So I'm guessing, if, for instance, Finnish Defence Forces, works the same way, they shouldn't conflict, right? As all their data would be in their own little mod folders in the main OFP game dir.

My other question regards the editor. I was playing around making some little missions using the CSLA II mod. I figure if, say, I opened one of my old missions, edited it a bit, then saved it again whilst running the mod, the mod would then be required to run the mission, regardless of whether or not I added any mod content, right? Because of fear of this, I've been 'saving as', so to speak. So if I mess around with one of my old missions, or make a new one, whilst using the mod, I save it as 'CSLA - "mission name"' incase it messes something up. I suppose I just need some clarification on how editing works when running mods. I don't won't to go loading up my old missions having reinstalled the game and find I need to download the mod to play them all again!
Title: Re: Addon Conflicts
Post by: greg147 on 02 Jun 2006, 19:52:16
1. If I understand you correctly, you are asking if you can have 2 mods installed at once, but not run at once? If so, then yes you can. They will both run from Resistance.exe, but will have different folders, so will run fine with a different desktop link.

2. CSLA 2 is a conversion mod, as you have already found out. This means that whilst you are running that mod, the default OFP units are changed, in this case HYK and RHS infantry AFAIK. If you make a mission using the west->units->soldier etc, or any option that was there with unmodded OFP, it can run without that mod.
So if I loaded up desert island with CSLA 2, and placed a west group on the map, and saved it, the west units would be HYK infantry. However, if I opened this mission with regular OFP, the units would be BIS US infantry, but would still be there. So long as you don't place any Resistance->CSLA infantry->Soldier units.  ;)