Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: acepilotray on 09 Aug 2005, 04:28:25

Title: I need some planes
Post by: acepilotray on 09 Aug 2005, 04:28:25
I have virson 1.46. can someone please recomend some big passenger planes or a plane that carrys for than 5 people,
thanks oh and please dont tell me to buy resistance or GOTY besause i cant.

acepilotray@aol.com 8)
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: The-Architect on 12 Aug 2005, 05:42:08
Why can't you?
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: acepilotray on 12 Aug 2005, 05:51:13
1. they dont sell that game any more
2. I live in anchorage alaska so finding older games is horribly hard :-\
 .......I think thats about it
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: bdfy1 on 13 Aug 2005, 11:42:08

#Post edited out by Admin.
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: Stinky Nut Rappa on 13 Aug 2005, 11:47:59
the man wants planes not resistance
go to ofp.gamezone.cz (http://ofp.gamezone.cz) then look down the left hand side and click on addons. then click on aircraft. if you want pre resistance planes just click on the last number in the list at the top and then work your way backwards
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: Plane on 21 Aug 2005, 09:38:23
#Post edited out by Admin
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: macguba on 31 Aug 2005, 04:28:14
@Plane, this is your first and last warning.

If what you suggested involves paying a fee to BIS/Codemasters, then it would be fine.

If it involves piracy then you're cruising for a life ban from OFPEC.

I'm not familiar with the system you mention so on this occasion I'll give you the benefit of the doubt although to be safe I have edited your post.     However, be in no doubt that advocating piracy is a quick and effective method of obtaining a life ban from ofpec.   That's the whole site by the way, not just the forums.  

@acepilotray, you can buy OFP GOTY from this website which delivers to Alaska (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/002-0558313-6548064)
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: crazyalienas on 31 Aug 2005, 10:15:40
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: macguba on 31 Aug 2005, 11:25:24

1.  It's the current standard version.   If you have only CWC you are constantly running into addons, scripts and missions you can't use.   It's like running a really old car - sure it
works, but you have trouble getting parts.   This thread is an example - finding such a plane would be much easier if you had Resistance.

2.  It is a significant upgrade.   The Resistance campaign is technically superior to CWC (though harder).     It has better graphics and extra features like handguns.  It has extra scripting commands which allow all kinds of cool stuff.   It is backwards compatible so you don't lose, you only gain.   It's basically a whole game, not just a poxy expansion pack.

3.  We like BIS.  We want them to have more money so they can make AA and "OFP2" better and arrive sooner.    Not that they get much .... Resistance/GOTY was cheap even when it was new.  

4.  We like OFP.  We want everybody to enjoy the full experience of it.   Or put it another way - "If you liked CWC, you'll love Resistance."  *Drops coin in cliche jar.*  

Oh, and try to avoid shouting (= capital letters).   Everybody needs to let off steam occasionally and we've obviously hit a nerve, but please don't make a habit of it.   ;)
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: crazyalienas on 31 Aug 2005, 12:14:30
ok, sorry about that. but our main problems are availability. in Australia (where I live) it is absoloutly impossible to get your hands on a copy of resistance or GOTY. Imposssible. Just about every store has CWC though. I have very raeerly seen it on E-bay, too.
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: swift88 on 18 Sep 2005, 14:05:49
erm try http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000646Q5/qid=1127044774/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/103-7311186-4709443?v=glance&s=software&n=507846 (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000646Q5/qid=1127044774/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/103-7311186-4709443?v=glance&s=software&n=507846)

34.95 USD  = 45.5591 AUD not too bad
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: greg147 on 18 Sep 2005, 20:14:50
It says;

Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.

However, on Ebay, there are lots of copys of GOTY. Finding one that ships to outside the US might be difficult though  :P

Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: crave22 on 19 Sep 2005, 22:04:24
Yes, a friend of mine ordered GOTY off of EBAY Thursday for $9 USD. You can't beat that!

Anyway, if you insist on staying with 1.46, here are some planes for you...
OpFlash.org Aircraft (http://www.opflash.org/addons.php?s=Aircraft)

They usually have two varients for most planes. One for Res, the other for 1.46. Enjoy!  ;)
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: The-Architect on 02 Oct 2005, 07:12:30
Dude I'll Fedex you a copy. I have a spare.
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: Captain Radium on 07 Oct 2005, 20:21:28
If you can make your way to a Fry's (or maybe their online store) you can buy OFP GOTY for $9.99 or two for $15.

I have purchased five copies already for friends and family. It is a great stocking stuffer.
Title: Re:I need some planes
Post by: bigdog632 on 03 Dec 2005, 05:28:45
beings its christmas and all can ya get me a copy:P

im tired of keeping track of all the CDs