Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: penguinman on 23 Nov 2004, 02:50:49

Title: STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 23 Nov 2004, 02:50:49
im pretty sure that nobody has thought of this. :P
a stabo lift, that would be really cool.

what I am absolutely 100% sure of is that everybody reading this post is going "what the heck is a stabo lift"

may you be enlightened

http://www.specialoperations.com/Schools/Army/JOTB/Image06.jpg (http://www.specialoperations.com/Schools/Army/JOTB/Image06.jpg)
it will be a lot of work but really worth it.

STABO is used when a group of men usualy a patrol becomes surrounded or outnumbered by enemy forces, the radio man says they need a stabo lift, this is heard by base or a chopper in the area. if there is no room or there is to much lead flying for the chopper to land. the chopper hovers 50 to 100 Feet(not meters) above the surrounded patrol. the chopper lowers a rope, all units waiting to be extracted clip on to the rope and the chopper lifts off, and flys to base with the men still hanging under.

To make it: maby add an action to the action menu" clip on to rope"
thank you to anybody who trys to make this.

Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 23 Nov 2004, 03:07:01
sounds like a good idea, i've never heard of it made for flashpoint
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 21 Dec 2004, 19:29:40
nobodys gona make it

its really cool and wouldnt be to hard.








i hope sombody trys to make it :)
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: bored_onion on 21 Dec 2004, 19:39:02
it would be easy to make using a modified version of a cargo drop script in the ed depot apart from the rope. can you make those in flashpoint?
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 21 Dec 2004, 19:43:48
i dont know know how to do that, but thats why i put it in ideas section.  ;) can u do it?
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: makkaramies on 21 Dec 2004, 20:12:47
Yes!! :cheers:

Absolutely great idea!!!

I`m using a lot of rescue / evac ..."escape alive" -type of situations in my missions. This idea would defenetly add some intensity/speed. Illlikeallod ;D

The helo- landings are now often quite difficult to get them worck, especially when helo:s sidegunners should give some supporting fire against the sorrounding enemy infantry, etc

Hope some superscripter will make this STABO-lift happen  ;D

Anyways dear sir Penguinman, you have alots of good ideas and allmost seems to me that you might have some military service backround like I have. It would be fun to chat sometimes. IÂ've never used chat before so, maby ill have to practice it.... ;D

Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 21 Dec 2004, 23:51:46
you can make ropes, snYpir's spt pack has one, its just a long thin object. if you want to use that, then i can make the script, not very hard. or it could be done with no addon, it just wouldn't have the rope, but then you could have the people swing a little when the chopper move. so you make a decision and i'll take a whack at it
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 21 Dec 2004, 23:52:52
also a custom anim might look pretty cool with it too
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: DBR_ONIX on 22 Dec 2004, 00:24:50
Erm, the NH-60 has a winch, that is nearly identical to this, but with only one person..
Worth a look?
(Works in MP :))
- Ben
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 22 Dec 2004, 00:55:17
well, if we use the rope from snypirs thing, we can just use simple addactions and setpos
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: MMFF on 22 Dec 2004, 08:00:18
Try the NH-60 from ofp.gamezone.cz. It is under addons/aircrafts on the first page. I have tested it and it worgs great. :D
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 24 Dec 2004, 22:52:46
hmm. well

1. the NH-60s winch is nice but AI cant really manage, :P

2. @triggerhappy could u make it swing back and foth even if u used a rope addon, or not because u cant set angle in ofp.  :-\

3.sure any time makkaramies  :)

4. all u guys have a good christmas vacation. :)
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 25 Dec 2004, 02:32:55
technically, i could have units that are on the rope sway as if the rope was, but the rope itself can't (because you can't set pitch in ofp)

i wonder if it would be possible to use the drop command with a dark color and have it move up and down really fast so it would look like it was a rope... long shot, doubt it will work either
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 27 Dec 2004, 20:53:47
ok ,

its a real hard desision but i think im gona go w/ out the swaying and just use snypers thing. thanks triggerhapy
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 27 Dec 2004, 22:08:31
ok, i'll get started on it. I think i'll be able to take some stuff from another script i worked on.
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 28 Dec 2004, 20:15:35
 thanks :)
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 31 Dec 2004, 04:55:20
would you happen to know how many people could be lifted on the same rope?
from the pictures i'm guessing around 5
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 31 Dec 2004, 05:34:52
 normaly they only do 5 as its usualy used for SF squads and those are usualy pretty small

but i think they can do up to 10

how about make it 6 or 8 you choose :) see which looks better

but it should be a even # because they go in groups of 2 usualy

also, how do u like the mission i made for the para script,

sry if it sucks, but i was a little rushed because i had to leave for  xmas vaction.

Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 31 Dec 2004, 06:19:51
to tell you the truth i haven't looked at it yet. I 've been busy playing with my christmas toys. I'll check it out soon though.
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 31 Dec 2004, 06:22:09
well the mission maker ultimately will choose, its going to be pretty obvious which variable you need to change the value of.

I'll give it a default of 10, so it can acommodate larger groups, but the readme will tell how to change it anyway
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 31 Dec 2004, 06:29:12
good idea but it shoul be a max of 10

you dont want some crazy mission maker put 100 guys on the rope
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 31 Dec 2004, 07:03:44
if they want to, they can go ahead and try, i garuntee you it won't work, the way i intend to script it
hint:they will be spaced out and forced off if they get on/below the ground
speaking of which, think a combattoprone anim should be thrown in for that?
or how about a death anim?

I can see it now...
OH SH*T! the chopper's coming down too fast! *thud flop flop blackout*
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 31 Dec 2004, 20:05:35

is there going to be an action menu option"attach to rope"

and can AI do it.
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 31 Dec 2004, 20:23:33
yes and hopefully
i'm going to try giving players that are the leader the option of commanding their group to get in,  players will then have to get on themselves.
also, i will make a script for entirely ai groups that the mission maker can call to get them to get on.
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 31 Dec 2004, 22:25:48
i dont think there should be any animation

you should be able to aim and shoot while on the rope(not very good aim though) just not be able to move
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 31 Dec 2004, 23:01:34
alright, for the aim thing i can just setdammage -1 them, so they will jump around a lot.
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 31 Dec 2004, 23:04:39
ok is it almost done
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 31 Dec 2004, 23:53:04
no, i haven't even gotten into the main script for it, i've been working out how i was going to do it. I have 4 scripts so far, although one is just an init to define a few global variables. the others are:
the script that is executed by the mission maker to start the stabo lift (i.e. create the rope and call other scripts)
then there is the setpos loop for the rope
and finally the addaction script for players to get on to the rope
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 02 Jan 2005, 22:37:20
i am dying for this!
i hate to be impatient but
is it almost done?


Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 03 Jan 2005, 03:23:33
ok, i'll work on it more than i normally would, or something.
do you have a deadline you need to make or anything that would make it more urgent or do you just want it really bad?
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 03 Jan 2005, 03:25:53
also does it matter if it only works for single player?
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 03 Jan 2005, 05:21:14
no its fine if its only single player

i dont use multiplayer

i wish i had a deadline for it cause of a mission i need to make or somthing but i will work on getting one as soon as possible

untill then, i just want it very badly.
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 03 Jan 2005, 05:55:42
hehe... ok, it might work with multiplayer anyway, just because of the type of commands it uses, but there is one thing i'm not sure about, which i will ask once i have this working
its going well though:
2 addaction
initializing script for STABO
setpos loop script for rope

and 1 lateral distance function

and i'm working on it now  ;)
I'll give you updates... or something in a little (day or 2)
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: DBR_ONIX on 03 Jan 2005, 14:08:28
Had a good idea..
How about a new rope addon, that has cargo proxys down the rope, with new anims..
That way theres no reason it won't work in MP, and it won't be jumply like other things like this..
The "hardest" part would, like always, be the config file.. But it would just be a car config ;)
- Ben
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: Triggerhappy on 03 Jan 2005, 18:05:05
i like that idea because i'm having a big problem right now, that if i don't figure out, there can only be one stabo lift in a mission.
i can't do configs, but you can ask snypir to use the rope model from his support pack and then reconfig it
Title: Re:STABO lift
Post by: penguinman on 08 Jan 2005, 00:22:56
i dont think a rope turned into a vehicle would be best,

how about the rope for the BAS blackhawks