Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: Vyper on 02 Sep 2004, 13:15:10

Title: HELP with a few OFP addons problems
Post by: Vyper on 02 Sep 2004, 13:15:10
Hey, got a few issues that have been nagging for a while that i'd like to sort out...if you can just help with one or two then please post!

1. Everytime i load Resistance (i run 1.96) before all the jargon starts i get an error message saying "CBT_Bradley requires 1.92" or thereabotus.  When in game i can load all the APC crew from the COMBAT! packs but not the M113's, Hemmit's or Bradley's. Those are some aqwesome addons i WANT to use. Now when i start the game with the CSLA MOD icon i don't get this. can anybody tell me why and how to fix it!

2. When i start the game with the CSLA MOD icon or the ECP icon or infact anything apart from the origional....there is no sound at all. nothing. this is fine when not using these MODS but it does mean i can't use them which is bad! If this problem is fixed then i wont have to worry about point one because the COMBAT! packs appear when i use the CSLA MOD icon!

3. I have downloaded the DKM troop pack and the WW2EC D-Day pack and both i can't use because whenever i start a mission or preview in the editor with these units i get the error message ".model special." and it cuts back to the editor screen. All the vehicles work when i put them on as empty so i assume its a problem with the units and/or weapons.

4. When starting the game with resistance some of the origional units (e.g. the SU-25 and some western units such as the M60 gunner) have no sound. the SU-25 has gear sounds and weapon impact sounds but no engines or firing sounds.

If anybody can help with any of these i would be much obliged. I've lived with this problems for a while but to have them fixed would just make it much better for me and i could use some addonds i want to use!

Thanks in advance

Title: Re:HELP with a few OFP addons problems
Post by: Spanky on 02 Sep 2004, 13:33:14
Me thinks a reinstall is in order....as pinfull as it may be...  :(

Title: Re:HELP with a few OFP addons problems
Post by: sim on 02 Sep 2004, 20:21:41
As Spanky said as painful not pinfull  :P as it is to completely delete everything you have then unistall and then reinstall your game. Then install all addons you have but organise them into mod folders  :)

Other than that I'm not really sure why your addons have fucked up...  ???

sorry I couldn't be more of an assist...

Title: Re:HELP with a few OFP addons problems
Post by: Vyper on 03 Sep 2004, 14:34:04
Its all good, i realised (idiot that i am) i downloaded 1.96 but never actually installed it so that'll be why the 1.92 error message pops up so thats solved......sound problem is still an issue as as soon as i installed 1.96 sound went for normal resistance but i think its back i'm about to check....

anyway, i'm determined not to re-install!!!! i wont let it beat me!
