Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: rhysduk on 13 Aug 2004, 14:34:26

Title: WSS Files!!
Post by: rhysduk on 13 Aug 2004, 14:34:26

If this has been answered preiously, apologies. I cannot find it though!

I was wondering how i open  (what program) the original WSS Files for OFP. I have goldwave and its doenst open the WSS files as WSS!

Any ideas?

Title: Re:WSS Files!!
Post by: oyman on 13 Aug 2004, 16:23:19
you can download this and decode .wss files http://ofpec.com/editors/resource_view.php?id=354 (http://ofpec.com/editors/resource_view.php?id=354)
Title: Convert those .wss buggers...
Post by: Delta on 04 Jun 2006, 05:33:43
Had some freakin nightmares ( add your own Steve Irwin voiceovers here ) trying to get these buggers to work.
Apparently these are better than the old .ogg's , so I wanted to upgrade my sounds. >:(

Check out here :


And you can download the program for yourself.

Then when you're got it , you can decode, or recode as needed.
If you have probs getting it to work, stick the 2 programs into a folder,then place the .wav sound, or .wss sound in there too.
just drag the files into whichever program you need to use, and Shazayme.
You got the .wss, or .wav file you been after.

Thought I'd spread the word, what with the old link down, and also help folks with probs making Avon Lady's program work ( all the talk of DOS ect freaked me out anyway ! )

Carry on Sargaent !
Title: Re: WSS Files!!
Post by: RichUK on 04 Jun 2006, 08:05:31

Hi Rys...

I have used many utilities for dealing with WSS files, but I have found the "DANBAT Sound Decoder / Encoder" to be the best, so I have attached the zipped Windows installer for it.  It uses a very simple interface to allow you to quickly convert WAV to WSS or vice versa, and remember the directories for each, from when you last ran it.

I also find that Audacity, which is a Free cross-platform audio editor, to do the job well converting to and from OGG, as well as editing, etc. See:


Hope this helps...

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: WSS Files!!
Post by: Chammy on 11 Jul 2006, 21:06:03
Heya try my sounds :) 8)  They are "real", trust me.

http://rapidsharing.com/download.php?id=776B65C2 (http://rapidsharing.com/download.php?id=776B65C2)

Its a new sound conversion I made cause I still play OFP, hopefully I can use them in AA also, I'm determined to figure it out once it comes out, although I think BIS will use a different sound format. I will be releaseing a sound pack for all soon, kinda hard to finish it when I have 3 kids and to top it off, my 16 month old son spills my soda on my keyboard so yeah, its pretty sticky now LOL.