Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: exigent on 28 Jul 2004, 18:13:21

Title: BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 28 Jul 2004, 18:13:21
Hi me again lol.

Well im looking for a Black Hawk (a black one with miniguns on each side, or no miniguns) like the one from BHD, also the little bird from bhd if anyone knows where i can get these two for 1.4 it would be greatful. By the way i downloaded both of these from the ofp.gamezone site (both black and same ones from bhd) it even said for 1.4 and when i go to the mission editor  it doesn't show the BH, it shows the littlebird but when i choose it the game shuts down? :(

Also anyone know where i can get some good Delta and Ranger addons? :)

BTW i have the BHD-Leave no man behind island, anyone know where i can get a mission for it? 8)

I know it's a lot to answer, but i hope someone answers it ;D
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: OrangeLeader on 28 Jul 2004, 18:19:24
BAS, man!!! That is the way to go for what you are looking for. Blackhawks, Little Birds, and BAS Rangers AND Delta. This link has all the BAS addons on this site. They are large and require JAM2. If that is a problem I don't know then.

Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 28 Jul 2004, 18:47:38
Ya but its for 1.95, i need a 1.4 :'(

Is there a way i can get a 1.4 version? Or ask the creator to make me one?
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: OrangeLeader on 28 Jul 2004, 20:28:11
The addons can't be made that way. Why don't you upgrade? That is really the only way you are going to get quality addons.
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 28 Jul 2004, 21:48:26
Ya i'm trying to lol, gonna soon.

But can someone help me with my BH and LB problem?

I have the TP_MH-60L_BLACKHAWK for 1.4 and it doesnt show it on the "Air" list in the mission editor, can someone help me?

and I have this LB from ofp.gamezone and when ever i try using it, the game closes. can someone help. :'(
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: OrangeLeader on 29 Jul 2004, 04:10:59
Have you checked the readme there might be some info in there? If there is an E-mail from the creator ask him?
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 29 Jul 2004, 04:31:00
There is not any read me file for the LB addon.

There is one for the BH though, but no info about the problem,  Has a e-mail I will e-mail him/here. But is there anyone else with this problem? if so maybe you can help?
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: Dubieman on 29 Jul 2004, 19:22:23
On the forums you have to explain stuff out. And give everything names.

For instance, there are two littlebirds here at OFPEC. One by BAS and one by Viking (maybe? not sure). If you don't tell us the exact name and author then we can only guess our heads off.

There are plenty of MH60s around too. BAS ones and others.

Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 29 Jul 2004, 21:07:36
Ok i found out the BH was for 1.75 (i e-mailed the auther) So can someone please help me to find a place where i can get a BH like from the movie BHD?

The LB, i downloaded 2 diffrent versions none of them work, i got them from www.ofp.gamezone.cz.

The first one is from Drakken, here is the link its on this page:


(Go a little down the name is MH-6J Littlebird)

The problem is whenever i choose it in mission editor (under "Air") my game shuts down for no reason.


The Second LB i downloaded is from BAS (i think its a old version) but its for version 1.4 and 1.75 and it doesn't show up on my list on mission editor under "Air" for some reason, i read the readme file but didnt find anything. Here is the link for this download, its on this page.


(It is the first file on there called A/MH-6 Littlebird)

Here are the files that came with and i installed (this is a little part of the read me file):

Put the following in your addons folder:

--do not include the bas_lbs185 or bas_soar185 files in the addons folder!
This version will not have custom vehicle classes nor animations or weapons.
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: registered_fugitiv on 29 Jul 2004, 22:29:42
I think the BAS little birds are under "BAS Spec Ops Vehicles" not under "Air" in the mission editor.
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 29 Jul 2004, 22:40:56
There is no catagory "BAS Spec Ops Vehicles" in the mission editor.
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 29 Jul 2004, 22:41:27
There is no catagory "BAS Spec Ops Vehicles" in the mission editor.
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: Dubieman on 30 Jul 2004, 02:33:09
What version of CWC are you running?
On the OFP main menu in the top center it says a little number. Like if you have 1.40, those addons are likely for 1.46, the last one before res came out , I think.
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 30 Jul 2004, 03:37:36
I have 1.46.

Here is some more of the read me i think might help, i copyed and pasted it might help. This is the other lb i downloaded: Addon Name: A/MH-6 Littlebird (for OFP v. 1.45 and 1.75.

Put the following in your addons folder:

--do not include the bas_lbs185 or bas_soar185 files in the addons folder!
This version will not have custom vehicle classes nor animations or weapons.


Under BAS Special Ops - Vehicles

Name - classname -weapon/magazine name

wpn: unarmed

MH6 Armed
ClassName: bas_mh6a
mag: bashkmounted

AH6 Gunship
wpn: basM134MiniGun, baszuni14
mag: basM134MiniGun, baszuni14

AH6 Multi Purpose
Classname: bas_ah6mp
wpn:basM134MiniGun, baszuni7, basah6helllauncher
mag: basM134MiniGun, baszuni7, basah6helllauncher

Classname: bas_md500dtow
wpn: basah6towlauncher
mag: basah6towlauncher

SOAR Pilot
Classname: bassoarpilot
Wpn: HK, NVGoggles
Mags: HK, handgrenades
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: Dubieman on 30 Jul 2004, 04:22:52
I really don't know man. I'm just stumped, only thing that comes to mind is get resistance, but.....

Sorry I can't be of more help. :-\
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 30 Jul 2004, 04:56:36
Well i am in a while, but meanwhile i really want to play this. Hummmmmmm maybe this can help it says this:


Under BAS Special Ops - Vehicles

For some reasn i dont have "Bas Specail Ops" in my mission editor list but im supposed to? Maybe i should contact BAS? Does anyone know how or what there e-mail is? Maybe they can answer the questions to my problem.
Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: Dubieman on 30 Jul 2004, 05:08:28
They have a website, although I've never gone there. There is bound to be a link kicking around on OFPEC.

Title: Re:BH and LB for 1.4
Post by: exigent on 30 Jul 2004, 19:21:03
Ya they do i went there but its down or something :S .