Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: VipNatePimp on 23 Feb 2004, 04:38:12

Title: .WSS Format
Post by: VipNatePimp on 23 Feb 2004, 04:38:12
I got another problem. Some addons use a .wss format for there sound files. I found a converter on the OFPEC site but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone know where i can find a .wss converter.

Thanx again
Title: Re:.WSS Format
Post by: xenofanes on 25 Feb 2004, 08:52:55
DonMiguel's application Sound Lab 1.1 does all the soundconversion for OFP you'll need  ;)
Read about it here: http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse/index.php?board=9;action=display;threadid=15380
or download version 1.1 (should be the newest version) here: http://www.theplatoon.com/users/javaman/OFP_Sound_Lab_1.1.zip
Title: Re:.WSS Format
Post by: VipNatePimp on 25 Feb 2004, 17:14:51
Allright ill cheak thad out, thanx