Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: TAPNKEGS on 26 Jan 2004, 05:37:02

Title: cam create quandry
Post by: TAPNKEGS on 26 Jan 2004, 05:37:02
i downloaded a great add-on of submarine torpedo ordinance and by accident placed a nuclear one on the field and when i previewed.... it was an awesome effect. what i would like to do is be flying in a helo and trip a trigger that "camcreates" one at the same spot...not where the helo is of course, but far enough out where it can be seen but not "felt"

since all the tutorial stuff is down could someone help me with what i have to put in the activation line of the trigger

Title: Re:cam create quandry
Post by: SEAL84 on 26 Jan 2004, 05:44:10
Well here's how I'd do it...

Put a gamelogic at the spot where you want it to spawn and call it "spot1"

Set up the trigger how you want it and have "on activation" be this:

nuke = "nameoftorp" camcreate getpos spot1

Works with an LGB, dunno if the torp will detonate though.
Title: Re:cam create quandry
Post by: Planck on 26 Jan 2004, 05:45:11
Go here for tutorials:

