Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: chrisb1220 on 11 Sep 2002, 03:54:57

Title: Get in tank
Post by: chrisb1220 on 11 Sep 2002, 03:54:57
How can I make it so when 3 soldiers see a enemy they get in a T80?
Title: Re:Get in tank
Post by: macguba on 11 Sep 2002, 14:14:39
What you need is switch trigger.   I guess your dudes are east so your trigger should be west detected by east.  

Give the dudes a hold waypoint near the tank.   Then put a get in waypoint on top of the tank.    Synchro the hold WP with the trigger.   Make sure the trigger is type switch.

Your dudes will hang out at the hold WP till the trigger is fired, then they will get into the tank.     Voila!

Edit:  doesn't have to be a hold WP, you could use cycle ... actually its just occurred to me you could use a sentry WP:  the dudes would hang out there till they themselves spotted west, at which point they would get into the tank.  If you use sentry you don't need a trigger at all.     Jelly for brains, that's my problem.
Title: Re:Get in tank
Post by: Hostile on 11 Sep 2002, 15:00:24
in addition to Macguba's post:

you could put in the activation field of the trigger the command:

"guy1" moveingunner "tank";"guy2" moveindriver "tank";"guy3" moveincommander "tank"

I use "guy1" etc and "tank" as examples, but this just makes things a bit easier.

Macguba, if you've got jelly for brains does that mean thought's were "deserting" you......... ;D

ok I'll go now...... :-[
Title: Re:Get in tank
Post by: macguba on 11 Sep 2002, 17:06:21
Iscreamed with delight when I noticed the difference between all these solutions is only a trifle ....
Title: Re:Get in tank
Post by: Ranger on 11 Sep 2002, 21:16:13
For Hostile's solution, wouldn't you have to use the assignAsCommander, assignAsGunner, etc., commands as well?  I figured the soldiers would just disembark after being "forced" into the tank with the move- command, since they weren't assigned to it.  Just a thought.  I could be wrong.
Title: Re:Get in tank
Post by: chrisb1220 on 12 Sep 2002, 03:06:21
Ok thnx guys.
I actually am west and I want east to get in some tanks when they see me. Don't not matter though.