OFPEC The Editing Center => Comments & Suggestions => Topic started by: Roni on 06 Oct 2003, 13:00:39

Title: Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: Roni on 06 Oct 2003, 13:00:39
This is the place for suggestions about the format of the Editing Forum I hope ?

I am new to the forum and am trying very hard not to look like an idiot (tough job really !).  I have read all of the tutes, references and FAQ's and have even tried trawling through the forums themselvs for answers before I open my trap.

The problem is that some forums (fora ?) are just so dang HUGE it makes it tough to check whether or not a topic has ben raised before.  I know that the FAQ is supposed to winnow out a lot of that but still, I wonder how many times you guys have been asked for Iraqi infantry or new buidlings or whatever.

So my suggestion is this - is there any way of summarising and itemising all of the "old" posts in a forum so that a person could scan through them quickly at a glance ?  The last three pages of posts to a forum (say) would be normal, but beyond that you get the "wall of posts" - maybe just a collection of clickable post headers, or headers with the first few lines of the post (like the FAQ) or some form of summary of the posts (like you find in archived articles on certain newspapers).

That's it.  Oh, and thanks for the site and all of its wonderful resources - you guys are legends !

Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: macguba on 06 Oct 2003, 13:37:57
Are you familiar with the forum search function?    The link is near the top of this page in that row of white buttons .... below the banner part.    It's not infallible but it's not bad.

Part of the problem is that too many people use unhelpful headers for their questions.    "Two questions" or "please help" is simply missing the point of what the header is for.  Which is of course to tell the reader what the thread is about.
Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: dmakatra on 06 Oct 2003, 16:54:37
I am da master of strange headlines, I remember favourites like "BAAAAAAAANG! And then Boooooooooom!" which was about camcreating shells I think. ;D

And BTW... You read all the tutes!? :wow: Geez man, you-you-you, freakkin geek! Hail you! Hail to the king! :afro:

I've only read like 20 tutes :P

And like Macca said(I'm trying to get serious here, we don't want any spampost, huh? :P ::) ) the search function is not bad, but it can be unrelaible.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:
Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: Roni on 07 Oct 2003, 02:08:32
Macguba - I've tried the forum search but as you say - it doesn't help if people don't use appropriate headers.  How about an enancement to the search function that allows you search through the body of the posts and not just the headers (or is that already there and I missed it ?).

Crazy Banana Man - (Neat Logo !) - Okay - so you got me.  Maybe I haven't read through ALL the tutes but I have read through "a lot" of them.  I still don't know the first thing about sound, music, custom animations and cutscenes - I'm still trying to work out the fundamentals of scripting syntax (see my other post in the Editing Forum).

So sorry to disappoint.  I am not the true messiah - I am a "False Geek".   :P :-[

Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: dmakatra on 07 Oct 2003, 07:44:21
Is there a tute about custom anim's?! Cool! I wanna do anims!

Have you read mine(the swich trigger one, the other suck)

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:
Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: Roni on 07 Oct 2003, 07:54:58
I'm not sure if there is a tute on custom animations - I just said that I don't know anything about them.  But you're right - it would be a cool tute !

I haven't read your tute (I don't think).  I've downloaded heaps and have been slowly unzipping and trawling through them all looking for jthe juicy bits.  I know that I should read the lot each time (you never know when something will come in handy) but I am burning up with ideas and I am just trying to get them to work (see my other posts in the scripting forums to see what I mean).

I WILL get to your tute though - you have me intrigued now . . .   :)

Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: dmakatra on 07 Oct 2003, 08:11:23
Oh, mine's not downloadable. :)

A few hints about tutes though:
Everything made by Macca
Everything made by SnYpir
Everything made by Vektorboson.

That should cover everything you need to know ;D

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:
Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: Roni on 07 Oct 2003, 08:20:22
Okay - I know what I'm doing tonight . . .  :)
Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: macguba on 07 Oct 2003, 08:52:30

A few hints about tutes though:
Everything made by Macca
Everything made by SnYpir
Everything made by Vektorboson.

You've made my head spin, putting me in company like that.  ;D

Anyway, yes you can search the body of forum posts and not just the headers.    Yep, you missed it. ;D     However, as Armsty says, it does feel a bit unreliable at times, though whether that's really true or just the way it makes you feel is not clear.
Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: dmakatra on 07 Oct 2003, 19:08:15
You've made my head spin, putting me in company like that.  ;D

Anyway, yes you can search the body of forum posts and not just the headers.    Yep, you missed it. ;D     However, as Armsty says, it does feel a bit unreliable at times, though whether that's really true or just the way it makes you feel is not clear.

What? I still own all of ya in tute writing ::) :P ;D

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:
Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: KTottE on 07 Oct 2003, 20:37:41
What's with the OFPEC comments board and going off topic?

Keep on topic
Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: dmakatra on 08 Oct 2003, 07:53:49
It's not OFPEC Comments and OT, it's me and OT ;D .

But making your suggestion would be kinda like doing the FAQ, I say put more energy on the FAQ instead.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:
Title: Re:Suggestion - Forum enhancement
Post by: MI_Fred on 10 Oct 2003, 20:46:19
No, but restrictions for topic names. Seriously, there are countless q's that I've discarded due to blatant headers. If only it was possible even to not allow duplicate headers
/me grins cheesily
I'm not that good when it comes to pokin the core of yabb but I bet it can be done so that those 'please help' or 'q' headers can be disallowed.

/me drops an icecube in the frontside of KTottE's pants