Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: Kaliyuga on 30 Sep 2003, 22:36:01

Title: More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 30 Sep 2003, 22:36:01
 With a couple other projects getting ready to be completed,

 I'm going to finish up some custom buildings (like 4 or 5 of them) that I have had on the back burner  for a while now.

 These will include a  Police station and Gunshop.

 The gunshop is in the 70% complete range while the Police station is somewhere in the 20-30% range I'd say.  

  But I'd love to hear what everyone would like to see included in these buildings...  I've already got alot of things planned/done but want to make sure I don't miss anything.

 I'll use this thread to post some screenshots for everyone (at a later date) as well   ;D

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Iwesshome on 30 Sep 2003, 23:06:44
Soda Machines
Coffee Machines
Tile Flooring
Florescent Lighting
Ash Trays
Welcome mats
Gun Range
...........? Still thinking  ;D
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: registered_fugitiv on 01 Oct 2003, 03:18:30
a car park for the police station and an arms locker that works like an ammo crate
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: KyleSarnik on 01 Oct 2003, 03:30:17
Make a bank with a big animated vault and money inside and a big hole that you can blow in the wall and then like animated cash registers and stuff then have money that you can take as magazines, and an armored truck and some security cameras (the ones that really work). And maybe some alarms and glass doors, animated glass doors that you can shoot at (and have some dammage textures with bullet holes and shattered glass) and some turned over tables and chairs for some firefights and stuff.... That would be fun, lol fighting some bank robbers armed w/ ak47s then you throw in a grenade and BOOM! We win! lol
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: bigdog632 on 01 Oct 2003, 04:13:49
build a fire station with a working pole

or maybe a strip club with a working pole? ;D
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 01 Oct 2003, 06:29:47
 All great ideas guys....  :thumbsup:

 I can definately say the Police station will have at least a small car park attatched to the rear for prisoner transport Registered_fugitiv.

 Something with a garage door for security purposes.... think it will be 2 story at the most.. perhaps the police vehicles can park on level 2 and the prisoners can be loaded up on the first floor.

 I am going to do animated, lockable jail cells as well... I have them built already just need to add them in when the time comes..  I'm supposed to be getting some floorplans on a real police station very soon  so I will wait to lay out the bulk of the stuff until I see how they match up to what I've got pictured in my head  ;D

  The bank is a good idea for another building to do as well Kyle .. I'm not sure if damage textures are possible on buildings, but I'm going to try to get the best looking/behaving glass  I can for the window textures

@ bigdog632:

filthy  err.... perverted ummm  great minds think alike  ;)

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Drozdov on 01 Oct 2003, 20:26:32
Perhaps you should have a 'get in' slot for the jail cells? The prisoners in the cells would be sitting on the bench when in. This may not be necessary but it could help with some ai pathing problems. Make sure you have an interrogation interviewing room with a tape recorder in it :).
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: GrimMonkey on 01 Oct 2003, 21:18:59
Also can make an Electric Chair, operated by Drozdov's 'Get In' idea. It would be could for movies or cutscenes :P.

Beware the GrimMonkey
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: m21man on 02 Oct 2003, 01:55:26
2, Get in Electric Chair

Oh no, 2 is down!
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Roni on 02 Oct 2003, 01:59:11
I had an idea once while playing Day of Defeat, but because of my zero skill in model building never took it anywhere  ???

How about making a standard building, but "distress" it by making the surface texture covered with bullet holes, blast marks, broken areas and so on.  Then "clad" the whole thing in a patchwork of ultra thin panes (additional objects) that can be easily destroyed by gunfire.  The theory would be that if a player sprayed the building with bulets then the "clean" texture would fall away, revealing the pockmarked and scorched wall underneath.

If you really wanted to go bananas you could make multiple layers to the onion, with the inner layers having more damage ability and greater visible damage.  By making the varous "panes" impassable (until destroyed) you could even make an object whose geometry changes as you shoot it up.

Example - Brick wall defined as a smooth textured pane ("x" damage), over a pock marked textured pane ("10x" damage), over a low rubble textured pane ("100x" damage).  Do enough damage to the thing and you can either climb over it or walk through it.

Am I mad or would this require way too many objects and or too much work to create ?  :-\


Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 02 Oct 2003, 03:06:43
 Not so sure about the electric chair as It will be a small, local kinda police station with just a few holding cells.. not a prison or anything..  :)

don't think they have electric chairs in police stations....  well maybe in Texas  ;D

@Drozdov: Good idea for the "cargo positions" in the cells.. I thought about this.. but each bench would have to be a seperate addon that was classed as a vehicle... or else perhaps class the entire building as a vehicle just one that doesnt move at all....  

  You idea sounds good in theory.... I don't see why it wouldn't work or be that hard to do.....   Just need a seperate addon/object for each "shell" of the house.......perhaps I'll implement it on a bunker I have lying around and see what comes of it ;)

And here's some pics of my work last night:





Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: registered_fugitiv on 02 Oct 2003, 03:26:22
lookin good :) just looking at the lobby tho it looks a little to big almost double the guys size maybe make it a bit smaller and add some weed to the evidence room
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 02 Oct 2003, 05:04:22
 You mean lower the ceiling a little bit?   Can definately lower it some...  I guess about 9-10 foot ceiling is average and that does looks more like 12 now that you mention it  ;D

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Roni on 02 Oct 2003, 07:22:42
The station looks great, but a bit like an Ikea show room.  I reckon everything should be lower, darker and dirtier to get that grungy police station feel.

OTOH - I wish I had even a tenth your skill in making models (some day I'll open up Oxygen and teach myself how . . .   :-\

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Blitzer on 02 Oct 2003, 09:50:30
Looks good, the evidence room could hold all sorts of random gear. What about a morgue part in the building, with sliding cabnets and dead people inside. Say in a mission when one of your men dies he could end up in the morgue. And an armour room with some new armoured jackets(that really work) and different clothes that you could change into. Great for spy missions.
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 02 Oct 2003, 18:31:49
I reckon everything should be lower, darker and dirtier to get that grungy police station feel.

I'll be sure to dirty it up a bit before I'm finished... add a layer of dirt to that floor and walls ;)

And an armour room with some new armoured jackets(that really work) and different clothes that you could change into.

 I'll be sure to include a locker room and supply room as well.. not so sure about the clothes as you can't change in the middle of a mission, this would just have to be some addon soldiers that were swapped or whatever ;)

I wonder if setobject texture works on the entire body of a unit like it does with arm patches ?
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Drozdov on 02 Oct 2003, 19:54:30
As Roni says, this looks far too new and shiny. Make it dirty, but also make the colours a bit less bright. The wooden surfaces in the second screen shot look too bright... the contrast between the textures looks a bit too sharp as well.
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 02 Oct 2003, 22:53:57
 Those pics were brightened a bit before posting as well ...  screenshots are always coming out wayyyyy too dark for my liking with OFP   :-\
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 03 Oct 2003, 03:20:46

I didn't brighten up the pic as much on these.. and I've started the process of making the wall and floor textures a little smudged up and stuff  ;D

 I've got the floor plan of the first floor laid out.. with  a locker room and an equipment room as well as two interview rooms and the radio/desks area also.. I scrapped the desk texture and am looking for something a little different. I added a couple of generic vending machines inside near the locker room area also...  so I've   got all that and a little extra space to play around with on the first floor.

 Second floor will have at least 4 cells with three cells that would sleep two men each as well as a larger holding cell that could hold about 5-6 i guess.
  And a guard room on that floor as well where the doors will be controlled from

 I may start on the cells tonight.. or else work on finishing up the locker/equipment rooms.    


Oh.. and I'm going to lower those second floor walls also to where the barred windows are at eye level.
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 11 Oct 2003, 03:46:24
Perhaps you should have a 'get in' slot for the jail cells? The prisoners in the cells would be sitting on the bench when in. This may not be necessary but it could help with some ai pathing problems.

 I did this today Drozdov as I am working on the jail cells some after finally getting OFP working on my computer again  ;D

 And it works real well.. there is no limit that i know of to the number of cargo proxies that you can have... so expect  them for quite a few places in the building possibly...

 I figure it's a shame that you can't designate what position they move into but I guess gamelogics would work well enough to fill the empty slots.. and I will write a few small scripts to show how to position  the prisoners/guards into the various rooms.

 Been a little tied up banging my head against the desk trying to figure out something on the sub , and trying to make some money..  but expect some screenshots by Sunday.....  

I think the bulk of the modelling should be done this weekend...  

 Oh.. and what do you guys think about a built in floodlamp on the station?
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 11 Oct 2003, 08:17:43
 Oh.. and another nice little side effect of having cargo positions ...

how about glass windows that can be shot out? :o
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Homefry31464 on 11 Oct 2003, 14:52:56
Those pictures get better and better.  A floodlamp, not sure what you mean.  In an interrogation room, that light you always see swaying back and forth(I don't know if thats a flood lamp), or a floodlamp on the outside.  

How about adding a few security cameras and a monitor to watch them?
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 11 Oct 2003, 21:22:49
 Thing is that since I had to make the building into a vehicle in order to have cargo positions in the jail cells..  

 I can now activate all those car attributes via some selections in O2.

 such as:

 Headlights: which could double as a floodlight out front or back of the station.. or perhaps both ......

The ability to have window glass be shot out like is in a vehicle....

 I could even tell it that it was a BMP2 and have a Missle battery on the roof if I wanted too :o

 As far as the security cameras go..  a while back there were some released that do just what you're talking about...  

 Our Mod has permission from the maker to alter them to suit us seeing as there were some functions that were not included in his version that were going to be in a version that I was making already...

 I scrapped most of what I was working on once we got the go-ahead to alter the other addon , we just haven't gotten around to making the cam work the way we want it to....

I do plan on adding it to the building if at all possible.. but that will probably be one of the very last steps

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: KyleSarnik on 11 Oct 2003, 23:27:42
There is one problem with having it as a vehicle, AI.... They wouldnt be able to move around to well, and you can't put AI positions on it (like when you place WPs over houses and they give you a list of positions in the house)...
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 12 Oct 2003, 00:02:15
and you can't put AI positions on it

Are you sure about that part?

I'll go try right now as I have O2 open.


hmm......  so what I'll do now is make a seperate addon that is in the same .pbo file that is the prison bunks made into vehicles that can be setpositioned into place....

so much for windows you can shoot out  

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: KyleSarnik on 12 Oct 2003, 02:42:52
so much for windows you can shoot out

why not just make the windows seperate? Yea, and you could add some scripts to them. One to setpos them into position, and then one when they get a certasin amount of dammage (the same dammage it would take to make the dammage textures apear) and then setpos some  glass peices there and if they are classed right and have proper geometry LODs, they should act like real glass..
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Roni on 12 Oct 2003, 03:05:28
The station is looking good, I can't wait to see the final work.  :)

I agree with the floodlight - sounds like it would really add to the effect.

I hate to kibbutz, but what the hell - there's nothing more fun than making impossible suggestions for other people's work !   ;D

Did I miss something or are there two things missing -  a pistol range and a carport ?  Obviously the pistol range is not so important but someplace to park the 1 Adam 12 or Starsky mobile is a definite "must have".

Also - while we're in the realm of imposible addons how about locking cells ?  Set a small addaction trigger somewhere in the front office - hit it and the door object (that you have cunningly built from scratch) will change it's position to slide open or shut.  Could be a lot of pain to code, which is why I sugested it  :D ;D :D

Good luck on the project !

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 12 Oct 2003, 10:21:06
 @ Kyle: Your idea sounds like something I'll definately look into  :thumbsup:

I hate to kibbutz, but what the hell - there's nothing more fun than making impossible suggestions for other people's work !   ;D

  Hey keep em coming....  very few things are impossible with OFP as long as you can think of a clever work around...   ;D  

 And you've definately had some awesome input so far ( as everyone has)

Did I miss something or are there two things missing -  a pistol range and a carport ?  Obviously the pistol range is not so important but someplace to park the 1 Adam 12 or Starsky mobile is a definite "must have".

 Going to model the carport seperate.... and haven't started yet....   ;D
 And my mostly finished gunshop does have a pistol range out back... I may bring it over to the police station as well.... just have to copy/paste it and change a few texture paths
Also - while we're in the realm of imposible addons how about locking cells ?  Set a small addaction trigger somewhere in the front office - hit it and the door object (that you have cunningly built from scratch) will change it's position to slide open or shut.  Could be a lot of pain to code, which is why I sugested it  :D ;D :D

 Definately going to have this..... just have to alter the  code from the E.C. safe addon  ;)
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Homefry31464 on 12 Oct 2003, 16:58:09
What color are you going to have for th outside of the station?  What cars are you thinking about using for the police?  
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 12 Oct 2003, 23:02:03
What color are you going to have for th outside of the station?

any suggestions?

What cars are you thinking about using for the police?

 I have no idea..  we do have a very rough version of a SWAT van tucked away on my hard drive...

  but all along we have been sort of hoping some sort of police Mod would get off the ground and we could work together with them to require less addons being made by our already very small team ....  

 We did have one such partnership a while back, but that Mod didn't last very long.  :-\

 One way or another there will be police cars of some sort, after all we do need something to shoot at besides the police jeep ;)

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: KJAM on 12 Oct 2003, 23:08:57
any suggestions?

maybe a dingy concrete or breezeblock texture or a pebbledash (you know where those really sharp pebbles are stuck to the wall with somthing) maybe ill take some pictures of my local cop shop and post em up to give you an idea, fromt he OUTSIDE though, i have no plans to actually see what it is like from the inside lol......so far they havent been able to pin anything down on me yet muahahaha LOL
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Vyper on 12 Oct 2003, 23:23:28
why not use Dead Meats Police pack?  Its got the Volga GAZ-24 police car...jeep...motor bike...UAZ....Cessna....BRDM and a load of various policemen....all vehicles have light and sound scripting.....perfect!

All nogovan as well.

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 13 Oct 2003, 18:36:21
 We may contact DeadMeat about reskinning his police pack or something since it is definately a great adddition to OFP.

 But we didnt want to use anyone else's addons in our campaign, and It won't take place on Nogova at all, so a new paint job would be in order perhaps.

@KJAM: I think for the outside texture , the simpler the better especially with my texturing skills...  :-\  

 I am on the lookout for a suitable outside texture though  ;D

 **I'll post a few pics once I get home from Botany class**
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Torak on 13 Oct 2003, 18:46:22
I think it would definitely benefit from a more traditional police car as well; i e a police car of a less "military" style, like those used by most modern police forces.

Oh, and something with a water cannon.
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: MovingTarget on 16 Oct 2003, 13:05:31
I've just had a look at those screen shots and I have to say they are more than impressive. I can't wait to bring in suspects for the old good cop, bad cop, length of hose, nightstick, spilt coffee and "He fell down the stairs, your honour" interrogation treatment!  :beat:

Seriously though, there was an addon that provided police units with a boat, a cessna and a Skoda police car. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me remember where I got it.

Sorry  :(
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Torak on 16 Oct 2003, 13:31:12
Yes, that was the DMX Police pack. It contains, if I recall correctly, a Jeep, a UAZ, a Cessna, a BRDM, a motorbike, and a Gaz (the most civilian in style). All with rather lovely working lights...
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Cpl. Vagabond on 17 Oct 2003, 20:01:35
Hey guys i've finished taking a break from modding and i enjoy making buildings with lots of little animated stuff, so if you want something, just e-mail me @ speciminx@aol.com and then ask me to make something, if it's simple i'd probally start right away for you and if i don't like the idea i'll stick it on my todo list for when i get bored
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 18 Oct 2003, 05:05:51

bars will be spaced a little more evenly of course..... and the upstairs won't have the same tiled floor as the downstairs......  ;)


a shot of inside (accidentally replaced my nice looking ceiling tiles.. but I had planned on altering them a little anyways)


 I've been pretty busy this week with other things.... but I should be able to spend some more time on it this weekend  ;)
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Sundevil on 18 Oct 2003, 06:37:19
Looking good amigo.  

The gun store is optimal.  I visualized a pawn-shop atmosphere with glass display cases for the pistols and racks of weapons on the walls.  Maybe even a elk head, or moose hanging on the wall would be cool.

I wish that this was as easy as "the sims" to create stuff.  There are so many possibilites out there, I just don't have the patience to learn how to create the addons.

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 18 Oct 2003, 09:48:31
 I'll get some pics of the gunshop up for you sometime soon as well...

the modelling is completely finished... just need to redo textures as I did it several months ago when I knew next to nothing about texturing ;)

 It will have shelves with guns that you can purchase... as well as some guns hanging on racks on the walls....

also a small shooting range out back ;)
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Cpl. Vagabond on 18 Oct 2003, 12:05:20
Looking good, can't wait for the finished version
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: ruff on 22 Oct 2003, 09:43:58
those buildings look amazing!!!!
why didnt u post them on bis forums!!!!

have u ever thought of a mansion like the governors residence by philcommando?
but ur 1 could be more detailed and at a larger scale like the ones ur making now or like the resistance buildings
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 22 Oct 2003, 18:31:39
why didnt u post them on bis forums!!!!

 You mean there are other forums? ;)

 I may make a large residence  to go with the set as well, but am just focusing on retexturing the gunshop.. and finishing up the police station for the time being... don't want to start too many things at once...

nice thing is once you have a large enough building you can just sorta rearrange the pieces to make a new one ;D

  I also made an interiour wall texture that is far better than the one shown in the screenshots up already....  I'll put up some more pics in the next day or two

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Splintercell on 23 Oct 2003, 01:54:09
what is that bug that needs fixing
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 23 Oct 2003, 02:09:06
what is that bug that needs fixing


it's being worked on at the moment though.. and may be fixed by the weekend ;)
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: KyleSarnik on 23 Oct 2003, 03:59:15
Still having troube with that config? Well if my method didn't work then im all out of ideas.....
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 23 Oct 2003, 04:06:33
 No not at all Kyle....  we're going to use the method you suggested..  just haven't had the time to implement it...  

 Our team (all three of us) have real life obligations as well as making addons.. just like everybody else...

  It's very possible that it will be finished by the weekend... as I stated ;)
  I was just answering Splinter Cell's question.

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 29 Oct 2003, 08:45:03
 Just wanted to update a little..  

thanks to one of my fellow Mod Members Waterman....  I've got some first rate textures for the buildings..

 I'll toss up some pics for ya soon.. I'm just playing around with different patterns.. and  adding some more objects to the police station such as tables for the interrogation rooms and a radio area as well..

 I've scaled down the size slightly as well to make it fit in a little better with the existing buildings out there.

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Wadmann on 29 Jan 2004, 00:10:37
Whatever happened to this project?
I read on the EC forum that you would start working on it again after the sub and island were released.
Any new information on this addon?

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 29 Jan 2004, 00:41:19
 Now Asmo and I are working on the bikers from Klink and Tomb, but rest assured these buildings are still around on my HD and lookin better than ever due to some cool new texturing..

Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 03 Mar 2004, 22:09:31
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: SEAL84 on 03 Mar 2004, 22:43:16
Lol sweet....be sure to include a custom "hit with bar stool" animation for those drunken brawls. :cheers: :noo: :beat:
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Homefry31464 on 04 Mar 2004, 04:05:33
Excellent pics.  So thats what your pic in your sig is from, looks good!
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 04 Mar 2004, 04:47:27
 Thanks for the kind words guys..  shouldn't be too much longer before I'm able to release a few of these buildings.. ;D
Title: Re:More Buildings
Post by: Kaliyuga on 05 Mar 2004, 06:39:22
Lol sweet....be sure to include a custom "hit with bar stool" animation for those drunken brawls. :cheers: :noo: :beat:

Yeah.. what if you made a gun that looked like a barstool and just used Strokegun?   seriously.. I'd do it.. lol ;D