Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: thubba on 21 Aug 2002, 02:12:42
hi folks...
I wanted to acces one of Nogovas building by its Object ID (turn off the light).
The mission editor lets me switch OIDs on an of. But this only will work for the OFP maps (not Nogova :-(
So can anyone please tell me, how to figure out the Object IDs of Nogovas buildings ?
Maybe by some Island Editing tool ?
Or at least can someone give me the ID of the two buildings west and above Dolina for a start :-) ???
thanx in advance.
cya&bfn, mike
I'm pretty sure you can just click "Show ID's" in the editor. You may have to be sure it is in Advanced mode.
Daniel J Bryant
seems like murphy stroke again...
After having some more problems on editing i reinstalled resistance and that solved the prob...
It's working just fine now... thanx anyway
Just a sidenote, while finding all the building names, I used this to get the actual NAMES of the objects with ID's:
create a trigger, radio alpha, and in the on activation field put:
what=object 173123;hint format["%1",(what)];
and changing the object number to the ID number you want to find the name of, and activating the radio alpha will give you a hint with the object ID and it's name.
Still can't place most of them, because they're static objects, but it will return the name of all objects with ID's ;D
Hoot out!
How exactly do you turn of lights and stuff with the object id's?
trigger then on activation
this lightoff "objectid#"
Somin like that?
(object ID#) switchlight "STATUS"
Status values are on, off and auto
EG (object 289675) switchlight "ON"