Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: MeKillYou on 06 Sep 2003, 17:50:52

Title: Zoom With Binos
Post by: MeKillYou on 06 Sep 2003, 17:50:52
Ok now i got a cutscene with binos working
but how do i do to zoom in?

I'm looking at a soldier and want to
get zoom closer and closer quite slow!

Anyone help me?

Thankful for all replys MeKillYou
(Crying for help again)
Title: Re:Zoom With Binos
Post by: Black_Feather on 06 Sep 2003, 19:08:49
in your script use something like this

_cam camsetfov 0.4
_cam camcommit 10

thats it, and to get back toa normal view use

_cam camsetfov 0.7
_cam camcommit 0
Title: Re:Zoom With Binos
Post by: MeKillYou on 09 Sep 2003, 09:34:30
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

_cam camsettarget player
_cam camsetrelpos [-2,5,2]
_cam camcommit 0

titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2]


player addweapon "Binocular"
player playmove "StandToBinocStand"


cutrsc ["binocular","PLAIN DOWN",0]

_cam camsettarget object2
_cam CamSetFOV 0.4
_cam camCommit 10

_cam camsettarget object2
_cam CamSetFOV 0.7
_cam camCommit 10

player playmove "BinocStandToStand"


cutrsc ["default","PLAIN DOWN",0]


titlecut [" ","BLACK OUT",2]

_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
camdestroy _cam


titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2]


That is my script still no zoom in!
The guy looks at target trough his
binos and that all what happens!

Thanful for all replys
Title: Re:Zoom With Binos
Post by: MeKillYou on 09 Sep 2003, 10:26:28

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

_cam camsettarget player
_cam camsetrelpos [-2,5,2]
_cam camcommit 0

titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2]


player addweapon "Binocular"
player playmove "StandToBinocStand"


cutrsc ["binocular","PLAIN DOWN",0]

_cam camsettarget object2
_cam CamSetFOV 0.1
_cam camCommit 0
_cam camsettarget object2
_cam CamSetFOV 0.2
_cam camCommit 0
_cam camsettarget object2
_cam CamSetFOV 0.3
_cam camCommit 0

player playmove "BinocStandToStand"


cutrsc ["default","PLAIN DOWN",0]


titlecut [" ","BLACK OUT",2]
_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
camdestroy _cam


titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2]


Thats it!
Now it works actually zooms out
but that is easy to fix!
Just have to change places of the 3 target
object2 scripts!
Thanks to someone at ofpec
looked at another topic and that solved
my problem!
