Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: PunkerSXDX on 09 Sep 2002, 04:36:13

Title: Mini Grenades
Post by: PunkerSXDX on 09 Sep 2002, 04:36:13
I was watching Black Hawk Down Last night, and I saw they had small grenades, that were easily carryed, so they had lots of them, and I was wondering if any one thought to make Grenades that were smaller that fit in a magazine (I mean one Slot could hold 3 or 4). It's been buggin me for a while, since OFP drives me kind of nutz how you can only cary three extra magazines, with six grenades, you should be able to cary a lot more every thing!
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: DeadMeatXM2 on 09 Sep 2002, 19:29:14
It's true, anyone would think that the soldiers in ofp were weinies, cos they can't really carry much.

The SAS regularly carry 2 main weapons, a pistol, truck loads of grenades and at least 600 rounds of ammo, even the regular infantry carry way more magazines and grenades than the ofp infantry.

Is there any way of changing the default amount of ammo the soldiers carry or is it hard coded?
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: KTottE on 09 Sep 2002, 19:56:51
Do SAS operatives really run around with 21 clips each?
I mean, not that it's heavy, but it takes up space.
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: MadGav on 09 Sep 2002, 21:01:37
KTottE: No, they won't have 21 clips, they'll have a normal amount of clips in webbing pouches and the rest of the ammo in compact boxes (i.e. a cardboard box with a clips worth of bullets in) in their bergens (iirc ;)
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: Messiah on 09 Sep 2002, 22:26:16
*laughs to himself*

does any1 here know what the SAS actually use? are you part of the SAS - seeing as they carry whatever they deem nescesarry for the mission, then i doubt you can say what they carry and where they carry it...

just a thought  ;)

oh, and punker - you cant make units carry more ammo (well, u could use a script to replace ammo).... its hard coded into the game, not the units.
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: KTottE on 09 Sep 2002, 22:30:53
Extremely good point Mezzy. Until someone from SAS steps forward and tells us in detail what he carries on a mission, I won't make any statements as to what they are humping around.

And I still refuse to belive 600 rds/operative.
Only for the ones carrying MG's, and those would be in cardboard boxes, yes.
At least, that's how B20 was outfitted. And since the books regarding that incident were written by actual SAS operatives on an actual SAS mission I would like to take that for the truth.
And they had nowhere near 600 rds/operative.
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: nolips71 on 09 Sep 2002, 22:56:15
the SAS mod have info on this matter but i cannot tell you ;)
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: Messiah on 10 Sep 2002, 00:03:19
i doubt it....
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: Bosniarat on 10 Sep 2002, 07:16:27
Well I would like to say that I am in the US Army and I in a Combat loadout will carry up to 7 Magazines 4 Baseball Grenades and an First Aid kit, Yet I can and Have carried up to 200 extra Rounds in My Ruck
 the SAW Gunner will Carry and Can carry up to 800 rounds via the 200 round Drums I have carried 4 drums But 2 of them were in my ruck with my extra Barrel. so yes you can carry 600 rounds but it gets heavy after a while
Well Have a Great Night
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: BlinkDog on 10 Sep 2002, 09:09:50
On my infantry course we carried the usual load.
6 30rd Magazines for c7
3-4 boxes 30rd loose 5.56mmN

3 Law
2-3 belts for C6 gpmg
3-4 belts fot C9 LMG
a water jerry
prc-77 radio
carl Gustav Mraw
SF kit for C6
Medical kit

We did not carry grenades since we just used blanks and T flashes.

The loads in ofp were prob more based on older warsaw pact loads which were lighter. Most Soviet/WP troops carried 3-4 mags and a few extra items.
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: KTottE on 10 Sep 2002, 10:49:15
Well I would like to say that I am in the US Army and I in a Combat loadout will carry up to 7 Magazines 4 Baseball Grenades and an First Aid kit, Yet I can and Have carried up to 200 extra Rounds in My Ruck
 the SAW Gunner will Carry and Can carry up to 800 rounds via the 200 round Drums I have carried 4 drums But 2 of them were in my ruck with my extra Barrel. so yes you can carry 600 rounds but it gets heavy after a while
Well Have a Great Night

This I can believe.
7 clips = 210 rounds
200 extra rounds brings the total to 410 rounds. But that was only for extreme situations, right?
When you either expected that you would not be resupplied for a long time, or that you would run in to heavy resistance.

And I don't doubt that the SAW gunner has 800 rounds available to him. But he will never carry all of those himself. They will be distributed across the entire platoon.

And I strongly doubt that any of the members of SAS Mod are ex-SAS operatives.
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: DeadMeatXM2 on 10 Sep 2002, 18:47:28
I based my post on what i know.

Some of my mates in the RAF regiment carry:

8 mags in their webbing/assult vest,
1 mag in the weapon - at all times,
4/5 small grenades
maby an extra pack of 200 rds in clips in a cardboard box/fabric sling in their burgen

The anit-armour guys carry 4/5 mags,
4 small grenades,
and their weapon, be it LAW/NLAW

the guys with LSW's carry mainly ammo, as they are the fire support teams and have:

12 mags in webbing
1 mag in weapon
no grenades, maby 1 or 2
1 cardboard box/sling of 200rds in the burgen.

That is what i know, it may be wrong
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: ZIKAN on 10 Sep 2002, 19:33:01
From my experience 6 to 8 magazines is a realistic ammo load.
But there are many things to consider beforehand like:

1. The type of mission.
2. Duration of mission.
3. Re-supply, if any...
4. Other equipment to be carried: (radio and batteries, water, medical supplies, rations, support weapons and ammo etc)

In war time the ammo load is increased, usually by personnal choice and common sense.

But yes i agree the OFP weapon load out is not realistic  :P

Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: BlinkDog on 10 Sep 2002, 20:45:17
From my experience 6 to 8 magazines is a realistic ammo load.
But there are many things to consider beforehand like:

1. The type of mission.
2. Duration of mission.
3. Re-supply, if any...
4. Other equipment to be carried: (radio and batteries, water, medical supplies, rations, support weapons and ammo etc)

In war time the ammo load is increased, usually by personnal choice and common sense.

But yes i agree the OFP weapon load out is not realistic  :P

Agreed type of mission means alot. We learned for Recce to just have one mag in the gun, one in a pocket, no webbing. On a recce you would never engage an enemy, the 2 mags are for situations when things get fudged up. Fighting patrols and large offensive actions are a different story.
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: @cero on 10 Sep 2002, 22:51:14
Somebody recuested time ago a addon of a burgen where you would be able to carri more amo. It would be to dificult to get the stuff for yourselfe but it would be good to have a cuple in a squad, but now that I'm thinking... if you can drive an amo truck you should be able to rearm aswell even knowing that you'r the driver, so a burgen like that would be the same, right? Or if you have resistance you can drop the burgen and then get amo from it and then put the burgen back on you'r shoulders, right?
 However, the idea of having small hand grenades is good, but if the game is coded that way... :-\ I very much doubt it will be posible even knowing they are smaller. :(
Later all.
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: DeadMeatXM2 on 11 Sep 2002, 00:11:00
I agree, my example was of a typical squad, but the ammo loadouts are based on the individuals personal chioce and the mission plan.

For example the extra ammo would be ditched in favour of explosives if the mission was to destroy a target. And extra ammo would be carried if there was high probability of contacts with multiple enemy infantry forces.

Things like radio and batteries, medikits etc are shared between the specialists and the rest of the squad - this is in case the specialist steps on a landmine or is blown to bits (gorey but true) not all the kit goes up with him.

It would be a shame, but the ammo spaces are probably hardcoded, and could only be changed in a patch by bis. :(

The idea of a removeable bergen would solve this problem to a certain extent, and would probably be the best we will get.
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: PunkerSXDX on 11 Sep 2002, 02:49:41
what I ment was to adjust the config of the grenade, and set it so one slot rather than meaning 1 grenade, would mean, 2 or 3 like with a Rifle, it says up top      M16     30:3
so I'm thinkin why not make, the handgrenades, work like that?
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: Ferret Fangs on 11 Sep 2002, 08:34:30
I've been thinking about a possible solution to this matter as it has been a pet peeve of mine as well.
How about modifying a unit to carry a new weapon such as an invisible M203, that fires a very low yield/velocity grenade, such as how the Lost Brothers modeled their OICW mod.
The weapon could carry six to eight "mini grenades" in a clip.
This would allow the other slots to carry additional magazines.    
What say the rest of you?
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: SimonRussi on 11 Sep 2002, 12:35:30
How much equipment a SAS carries? when i was a SAS member ( ;D)i used to carry:

10 29rds magazines (they put 29rds instead of 30 so the spring push more) for who had M16+M203
many M203 grenade (don't remember how many)
2 LAWs each (you know real LAWs are disposable and cannot be recharged)
6-8 HandGrenades each
i think 4 100rds boxes for who had Minimis MG
A truck of PE4 explosives with hundreds of detonators
all ammunitions were in tested magazines, not in boxes...

Actually, of course i'm not a SAS and never been, but i read Bravo Two Zero by Andy McNab... you all should read it (and Immediate Action too) cause i learnt many things on mission creating in those books...
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: @cero on 11 Sep 2002, 22:44:38
I've been thinking about a possible solution to this matter as it has been a pet peeve of mine as well.
How about modifying a unit to carry a new weapon such as an invisible M203, that fires a very low yield/velocity grenade, such as how the Lost Brothers modeled their OICW mod.
The weapon could carry six to eight "mini grenades" in a clip.
This would allow the other slots to carry additional magazines.    
What say the rest of you?
Actually, I didn't thought about that before, but you'r right there, you get a few grenades in the OICW so it should be a way to do it like we would like to. Good thinking Ferret Fangs.
Later all.
Title: Re:Mini Grenades
Post by: DrMeatballs on 12 Sep 2002, 01:26:33
The tiawanese mod managed to get 3 rounds into the mag for each of thier grenade launchers so it can be done for launchers but i'm not shure if it could done for hand grenades(maybe you could slot them into the handgun spaces? that would give you another couple or you could use the WW2 weapons way of doing things and make all the guns ammo part of the gun or soemthing so you have all your spaces open but then again that probably wouldn't work for ARs).