Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: ROBINO on 02 Aug 2003, 17:15:19

Title: briefing tute as much help as.......
Post by: ROBINO on 02 Aug 2003, 17:15:19
OK - now assume i know nothing about html but can do the basics of the editor and can write the odd script or two.

Please can someone NOT refer me to the briefing tutorial but answer these questions.

1) Do all 5 of the sections in the briefing have to have an entry ?  What if i dont want to set specific objectives ?

2) Is there a way to write directly onto a html page ? If so then i could do what the tute describes as "dropping in my own stuff" to the template.

Help much appreciated.
Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as tits on a nun !
Post by: KJAM on 02 Aug 2003, 17:44:42
well firsta  question can you WRITE html?, if not then i suggest you learn, because you can only go so far on a template
Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as tits on a nun !
Post by: macguba on 02 Aug 2003, 19:33:28
I would recommend that you leave in all the sections of the Briefing.   However, if you don't want to write anything in a particular section, just leave it blank.

Philosophically, missions don't need to have objectives.    However, you must provide a way for the player to make the mission end properly.

You should edit your Briefing in a text editor like Notepad.    Use one of the templates (from the tutes or the Tutorial Mission) and don't touch the html code, just change the text to what you want.

As with so many things in OFP, just try it and see.  ;)     You probably know this, but from the mission editor you can see the Briefing by holding down the shift key when you click on Preview.
Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as tits on a nun !
Post by: ROBINO on 03 Aug 2003, 12:01:20
ok i've tried everything u said

here is some code i lifted straight from snyper's tute - but i still see nothing in the mission briefing - what am i doing wrong ?

<h2><a name="Main"></a></h2>
<b>Thursday, Sep 2, 1988</b>
Dear Mum,<br>
War sucks. Jimmy got his head blown off yesterday and is having trouble talking.<br>
Love snYpir.

<p><a name="plan"></a>
Today we are going to assault hill 23. snYpir, you will be attached to Bravo squad and are tasked

with clearing out the woods.<br>
Don't forget to up your mission to the mission center for reviewing!<br>
Receive your <A HREF="#DetailedOrders">detailed orders</A>.<br>
...and if there are no questions,the objective to be acheived today are as follows:

<h2><a name="DetailedOrders"></a>Orders: snYpir</h2>
There are no detailed orders for this mission! Now go to work!
Return to the <a href="#plan">plan</a>.

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End1">Mission Complete</a></h2>
Well done, snYpir.<br>
You decimated the enemy and are a hero. Go get yourself a virtual beer ;-)

You notice there is no objectives section because you said i could miss that out.  Also i do not want to include specific objectives in this mission and am concerned that the code from synpir's tute may not work because it refers to arkers and objectives that would appear on his map (not mine).

Plz can ANYONE tell me how to get ANYTHING, just ANYTHING AT ALL to appear on my briefings page.  For a good editor it would take 10 mins to write a piece of code which could form the basis of the "briefings & objectives" section of the FAQ which is currnetly blank.

Lots of pple must need help with briefings - making a beginners  guide to briefings would REALLY help a lot of pple.
Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as tits on a nun !
Post by: rhysduk on 03 Aug 2003, 13:12:32
why dont u head over to the editors depot and get a Briefing/Overview generator ?

I have CHOFPSE (Chris Hendersons OFP Script Editor) it is truly an amzing piece of equipment as fas as OFP is concerned - it will do anything u want it to ---

Check it out dude...

Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as tits on a nun !
Post by: KJAM on 04 Aug 2003, 00:30:41
yeah i find that useful too, glad it has an ability to store script snippets or id b lost lol
Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as tits on a nun !
Post by: macguba on 04 Aug 2003, 01:18:16
OK ... well ... there' s no nice way to put this Robino ... you're  screwing it up.    

Now please don't get over excited up or upset because I don't mean that in any bad way.   But the stuff in the tute does work (it's where I got my first Briefing from) so somewhere along the line you have inadvertantly done something that has stopped it from working.   We need to figure out what that is and change it.

It seems to me that the first thing is to get a Briefing - any Briefing - working with your mission.   Once we have that, changing it to the Briefing that you want will be relatively easy.

I can't check all the html in your post, mostly because I don't know enough html.    However, what I suggest is that you take a Briefing  - any Briefing, whether it's the one from the tute, the one from the Tutorial Mission  (http://www.ofpec.com/editors/resource_view.php?id=84) (a complete working mission designed specifically to help people in your situation) or from an official mission or the user mission of your choice - and get it to work.   Don't change a thing, just cut and paste the file and put it in your mission folder next to the mission.sqm and see if that works.

Once it works, you can change it to what you want.   Don't touch the code in the first instance, just the text.   Do everything one stage at a time.   Having no Objectives is an advanced Briefing so don't even think about starting there.     Contemplate it only when you have a fully operational ordinary Briefing and you understand how and why it's operational.     Learn to walk before you learn to run.    (Aside: this is major problem for the OFP communty:  far too many people trying to do Evil Kneival stunts before they know which end of the motorbike is the front.)

Make sure your Briefing file is called Briefing.html.    If it's called Briefing.html.txt or indeed anything else it won't work.

If it was up to me I'd take all Briefing generators and similar utilities, put them on a big bonfire and burn then until the carbon residue was unrecogniseable.    I find them profoundly unhelpful and a highly effective way of preventing people from making missions of an acceptable quality, mostly because the utilities concerned are either of very poor quality to start with or hopelessly out of date,or both.  They are particularly unhelpful for noobs because they prevent you from understanding how to make a good mission.    However thats just my opinion- lots of people disagree!
Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as tits on a nun !
Post by: McHale on 04 Aug 2003, 02:30:03
Tits eh?
Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as.......
Post by: Messiah on 04 Aug 2003, 02:51:54
« Last Edit: Today at 01:50:49am by Kaliyuga »

gotta love the censorship by Kali  ;)
Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as.......
Post by: Kaliyuga on 04 Aug 2003, 02:52:22
 I edited your post title there ROBINO.....

please keep it a little cleaner in the future eh? ;)

remember people there are visitors here of all ages..


Title: Re:briefing tute as much help as.......
Post by: KJAM on 04 Aug 2003, 06:42:38
KALIYUGA.........ya never know he could have been on about ***s of the flying kind lol, cuz they wouldnt really be useful on a nun either lol

i usuaklly dislike briefing generators etc, buth then agiain i only every use them as a base and build on top of it, well except CHOFPSE thing, great tool for making scritps briefings etc, had a lot of useful wizards and the ability to store snippets