Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods General => Topic started by: FOLGORE on 20 Aug 2002, 23:08:40

Title: OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 20 Aug 2002, 23:08:40
Really? I was looking on the official forum and they said that it will be public in a week.
I can't wait to give it to my ofp-joe mod 3d modellers!!
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Jackal326 on 20 Aug 2002, 23:17:43
I heard that it will not be code locked like the current Oxygen version and that after launch, codes will not be given out for the current version so they can be scrapped.
Oh well, at least I got a few months of relative exclusiveness out of it.

* Jackal326 dances
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 20 Aug 2002, 23:27:38
Here is a Matthijs email that I was reading minutes ago:

Below, you will see part of a mail exchange between BIS and myself.

Dear Matthijs,
Thank you for your interest, O2 will be opend for public very soon.
On our www.flashpoint1985.com will be available the download link.

With The Best Regards
Nada Adamkova
 ----- Original Message -----
 From: W.M. Crielaard
 To: vyvoj@bohemiainteractive.cz
 Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 2:15 PM
 Subject: Oxygen application

 Dear Sirs / Mrs.,
(...deleted blah blah...)

 Kind regards,
 Matthijs Crielaard
 Webmaster BBEmariniers.NET

So sit tight everyone!


Webmaster BBEmariniers.NET
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 20 Aug 2002, 23:29:53
Now the question is when??
there will be again limitations ?? If yes why if it is a general public release.I cannot understand..there is something that can't be true. many contraddictions
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Eviscerator on 20 Aug 2002, 23:36:07
people with oxygen arent just oxygen testers, weve actually signed up to beta test some more programmes, so we get some more exclusivity :)
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FW200 on 20 Aug 2002, 23:39:08
ehh i already openened a thread about this about 3 hours before you... http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse/index.php?board=13;action=display;threadid=107
But il delete mine mkay?
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 20 Aug 2002, 23:46:10
Sorry I didn't notice it ;)
I read that the release is within 2 weeks.It's a so loooonnnngggg time.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Jackal326 on 20 Aug 2002, 23:51:29
there will be again limitations ??

Not to my knowledge. I think it will be unlimited.

The real question is, 'Will it open OLOD Models?'
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Eviscerator on 20 Aug 2002, 23:53:37
and the answer is "NO", even bis cant open bis models in their oxygen, they have the models in mlod and use a tool to convert to odol so its optimized for the game, probably the next tool to be beta'd
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 20 Aug 2002, 23:55:35
It seems that Fliper is working on this converter..if it is not true soory Fliper for the wrong info.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Matthijs on 21 Aug 2002, 00:01:45
Here is a Matthijs email that I was reading minutes ago:

Below, you will see part of a mail exchange between BIS and myself.

Dear Matthijs,
Thank you for your interest, O2 will be opend for public very soon.
On our www.flashpoint1985.com will be available the download link.

With The Best Regards
Nada Adamkova

Yes, I got that mail this afternoon, in answer to my request for a non-commercial Oxygen "license".

BTW, I'm not "a Matthijs". It's my name, see?  ;D
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 21 Aug 2002, 01:14:26
Sorry  Matthijs..I was too excited for the news...:)
what they told you exactly?
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 21 Aug 2002, 13:21:36
Select This you are great!!this is taken from the official forum
about opening the Breathe board part of the official forum to everyone to achieve help and infos about the "Oxygen" program that will be released.
Stop will this elite member and "I can only do it because I am a pretty lucky modeller and so on!!!"
..Join the revolution!!! ( p3d edit will be much better)
Bis b.....rds

"I'm all for opening up the old Breathe forums...trust me there's nothing in there which is sooo secret...and also no earth shattering relevations which automatically makes addon making easy.

I think it is important to let people know that there is nothing magical about O2, don't get your hopes up about being able to do everything with this one program. It's hard to learn and use, documention is non-existant and there are many restrictions on what you can edit and do. Having said that, it's great that BIS are releasing it to everyone and I'm all for removing the "Elite" perception of those already granted O2. Sharing information is what fan sites are all about and I intend to do that fully back on the OFPEC forums."


Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 21 Aug 2002, 13:27:31
The thing is, from the day the first people got O2 the number has grown to roughly 200.
In that time, the Oxygen board has reached something like 24 pages of threads (mostly the same questions though).
If 200 (talented) people can create 24 pages of questions, imagine what 500 or even 1000 more will create. Since I doubt that most of these people will bother with reading the old threads.
That's why I partially fear the Oxygen board being made public. Even though I am for a public Oxygen board, I think the moderators should clamp down hard on people who doesn't bother to use the search function.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 21 Aug 2002, 13:32:43
Yes pheraps you are right..They and you moderators should make the thread closed so anyone could post on this thread..like a sort of manual to use..you can see the tutorial but you can't write questions.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 21 Aug 2002, 13:34:45
That would be a good idea, yes.
A sticky thread with the basic (and a bit more advanced) info already put down, then we kindly instruct people to read those threads before posting new ones.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Messiah on 21 Aug 2002, 13:37:01
i spoke to Araon (modeler at BIS) last nite in the irc channel...

he confirmed that O2 was coming out very soon and Nada was getting ready to sort out the release

so.... its all true and its coming out very soon h0000t!

oh and of course i asked him about new models from bis... no comment  ;D
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 21 Aug 2002, 13:39:07
What IRC channel would that be?
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Messiah on 21 Aug 2002, 14:26:52
well good old #ofpec - he came on at 1am (GMT) and left at 2am (GMT).

and in that time we managed to scare him off with hundreds of questions.  ::)
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 21 Aug 2002, 14:31:05
Wish I had been there, then it would have been thousands of questions...
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 21 Aug 2002, 15:15:35
Someone knows the release date?
What's the difference between Breathe and Oxygen??
it is a test for the public release..what can do and what they cannot do ??
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 21 Aug 2002, 15:22:32
Oxygen/O2 is the modelling tool used for the OFP units.
Simply put: It's what you use to create new p3d files.

Breathe is the beta-test program, not program as in software.
Beta-test group? Would that clarify things?
Anyway, the people that are in the Breathe team will beta-test all the softwares before they go public. For the past months those people (and myself) have been working with Oxygen.
Now we will work on something else (we don't loose Oxygen of course...) for the next couple of months. I have no clue what this is though.
And it keeps on going like that.
When the beta-test phase is done for one tool, that one is released and Breathe-people are issued the next tool on the list.

And no, I don't know the release date.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FW200 on 21 Aug 2002, 15:23:33
BREATHE is just the name for the "secret" forums about beta testing Objektiv 2 (O2 or Oxygen) and other programs...
The version of O2 we are getting is exactly the same as the modmakers have only without the access codes and locks and stuff like that..
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: DeLiltMon on 21 Aug 2002, 17:31:47
All good news, but the big question is when?
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Messiah on 21 Aug 2002, 19:36:56
whenever Nada gets round to it - remember theyve only just got back to work after the floods in Prague so give them a chance...  :P

Nada has said the same to me as Araon and they plan on it coming out 'soon' thats all they will say.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 22 Aug 2002, 18:18:41
I read on the offficial forum that won't be so soon as we spoke above.
I hope won't be a month wait but if yes it will be a whorty wait ;)
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Eviscerator on 22 Aug 2002, 18:34:41
BREATHE is just the name for the "secret" forums about beta testing Objektiv 2 (O2 or Oxygen) and other programs...
The version of O2 we are getting is exactly the same as the modmakers have only without the access codes and locks and stuff like that..

actually ktotte was right breathe isnt just forums its a beta test program...
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 22 Aug 2002, 19:59:01
Yes, but I should probably not speak of this much more since Denoir got pretty p-oed at me over on the official forums.
For other reasons perhaps, but I will stay in line anyway :D

Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: 3XTR3ME on 26 Aug 2002, 00:06:56
BAH! I just got O2 from a mod and now they're going to do a public release be4 I even get my unlock codes...I have such great timing  :-*

Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: BlinkDog on 26 Aug 2002, 02:47:34
Yes, but I should probably not speak of this much more since Denoir got pretty p-oed at me over on the official forums.
For other reasons perhaps, but I will stay in line anyway :D

Yes they will release oxygen then get control over those mods they have there. This is not totally related to topic, but I think they need a new official forum as well, just start over with new mods.

Personally I am going to remain pessimistic about the release and assume it is not being released.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: 3XTR3ME on 26 Aug 2002, 06:53:52
argh...damned pessimists....lol be what you want my friend for we all (some of us) are getting our hopes up...
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Cedaie on 26 Aug 2002, 07:57:41
I'm still with the idea of showing your work to BIS, such as previous projects, and proper knowledge of 3D modelling, thus, less newb questions that will come rolling in the front door of the Oxygen Forums, sorry if I sound so harsh, but its true, you cant have thousands of new-to-3D people saying whats a vertex? how do I move it around? when, basically I think BIS would like to release it to those who know what they're doing, thats my side of the story, dont go flaming me for my own opinion  >:(,  ;D cheers

Cedaie  :D

EDIT: for those who don't have previous projects, go work on some, make a few models, otherwise you shouldn't really need Oxygen.

EDIT 2: question, is Oxygen a 3d modelling program in its self or just an import export?
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 26 Aug 2002, 08:25:34
Oxygen will be released

Oxygen will be available for download by anyone

Oxygen is a modelling tool. With .3DS import capabilities. And you can make LODs, selections and all the other important stuff you need to make your model usable by OFP.
Then you save it in .p3d format and live happily ever after.

There will be a special Oxygen FAQ (which I am in charge of getting together) for all newbies. Even those who has worked with 3D Studio for 10+ years needs to read the FAQ.
We Breathers are doing the FAQ for you guys, but we're also doing it for ourselves. It's not fun to answer a gazillion questions a day =)
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Cedaie on 26 Aug 2002, 09:56:07
sounds good to me  ;)
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: MikkoV on 26 Aug 2002, 16:12:45
I don't think that I need o2 for 3d modelling when I have 3ds max. As it can be really hard I heard  ;D

So basicly, things that I need o2 is physics of the object, texturing right and most of all, importing it to game.

So it would be cool that someone would make even a small manual how to make physics of tanks, guns and other objects like tree, bush etc.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: quakergamer on 26 Aug 2002, 17:10:07
The best way to know hwo to do this is to look at otehr BIS models (BMP for example) . Thats what I did
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: ElemenS on 26 Aug 2002, 17:55:35
As long as they release it with a clear, spotless readme/tutorial, I dont see why not ?

I really hate it how engineers do stuff for themselves, hell i'm no hacker or a very intense person regarding programming, but i'do know what kinda islands/addons/guns/and mods people want to see and use.

Its a shame to let others miss out products of another ones creative mind, just becos that person hasn't the technichal know-how-skills, the 'engineers degree' to use a tool like O2.

As i write this reply, i'm almost done downloading those wredit tutorials, since im still pretty lost with it. Not enough, my 700mhz cpu with 300 ram doesnt seem too wrpedit-friendly either.
Question: What kinda hardware is required to run wrpedit 'smoothly'?  (checks his wallet-[*sighs*]-)  :'(

Havent seen O2 in action yet, but guess it shouldnt be too demanding on my pc, its only wireframes right?
- hey' im not the one whos about to build a boieng747  ;)

So far OFP is still the greatest game around, just becos of its huge editing opportunities, hope BIS wont turn its back on us with any ''O2 for special people only'' - release....

Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Messiah on 26 Aug 2002, 18:05:31
As long as they release it with a clear, spotless readme/tutorial, I dont see why not ?

O2 has to be the worst program to use because it has a steep learning curve and little to no documentation - note why KTottE is making the FAQ - great stuff KTottE - i'll be sure to grab that off u (before its released  ;D )
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 26 Aug 2002, 19:54:39
I guess I can tell you guys how the FAQ will look, it will be in the form of threads and posts on a special Oxygen FAQ board over at Flashpoint 1985 (http://www.flashpoint1985.com).
We have not decided on exactly how much info there will be in the FAQ, but as of right now, the FAQ will contain all the info you will need to use Oxygen.
It will explain LODs and how to use them, as well with other advanced features, but you won't get a
"M1A1 Abrams, step by step" tutorial to teach you how.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: FOLGORE on 26 Aug 2002, 20:33:21
Seems you know enough!! can you tell us when it will be released Oxygen and the FAQ ??
I think is the most imoprtant thing to know.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 26 Aug 2002, 21:05:41
There is no release date for Oxygen, and the FAQ will be released on the same day. So, I can't really help you guys out.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Eviscerator on 26 Aug 2002, 22:00:21
definately wont be a clear spotless manual, the few tutorials we got were in broken english and not making much sense at all, so most of the stuff we now know is thanks to other guys with o2 and ourselves :) now the faq is being made hopefully we wont have to answer annoying questions...
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 26 Aug 2002, 22:45:17
Which is why we're making it. I'm doing this probably more for myself than for you newbies ;)

But seriously speaking, everything we know about O2 we know because we're all a bunch of dedicated little buggers trying to find out more about this thing.
So a big shout go out to everyone in the ModMaker community who has helped us build this knowledge-base for O2.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: Dark Knight on 26 Aug 2002, 23:13:49
as this is on about Oxygen does any one here have it right now and are willing to email it to some one?

if so give me a message and i will give u the email address of whom to send it to

there is money involve  ;D
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 26 Aug 2002, 23:36:07
That was not appriciated at all Dark Knight.
Warez in any form are prohibited here on OFPEC, and talking about them will get you into trouble.
Since you may not have been fully up-to-speed with OFPEC rules I will not give you a warning this time, but if this should happen again you can consider yourself warned.

Everyone, please pay no attention to Dark Knight's post. Let's just get on with the thread.
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: 3XTR3ME on 27 Aug 2002, 00:35:32
darknight, it is pathetic that you think you can get a tool so easily....BLELLALRGHLLL!L!!!!!making a decent model in 3DS Max and I FGD@!!@#DJKSSA#!!!!CENSOR*]....odds are I wont get my ADSF#@@)#(R@)! be4 DGEW@#WERSD!!!!is released to the public! [*CENSOR*] [*CENSOR*][*CENSOR*][*CENSOR*]

/me points shotgun at nolips71

I am going to report myself to a moderator
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: 3XTR3ME on 27 Aug 2002, 00:43:41
erm....wtf happened
Title: Re:OXYGEN public release??
Post by: KTottE on 27 Aug 2002, 00:58:08
I have been informed that 3XTR3ME has been the victim of a prank, played on him by his neighbor. I do not know if this is the case, but until we have discovered further info on this matter, this thread will be locked, as it will serve as evidence in the matter.
Please do not start new threads about the Oxygen matter, since all the available info can already be found in this thread.

Regards, KTottE.