OFPEC The Editing Center => Comments & Suggestions => Topic started by: Captain Wacky on 04 Jul 2003, 11:24:05

Title: OFPEC Campaign?
Post by: Captain Wacky on 04 Jul 2003, 11:24:05
A long time ago, there was talk in the Forums and Editing Centre of an unofficial Campaign in the making. However, there was something different about this user-made Campaign, it was a conjoint effort of some of the Staff at OFPEC. Correct me if this isn't true, but if I remember, the Staff were joining together to plan and design a Campaign to be downloadable from here. If I remember correctly, the story chosen for the Campaign was one focusing around the Resistance and they have to reform. There was discussion of the first part of the game where you were a civvie and had to avoid a strange hostile force that seemed to be appearing on the island. Does anyone remember this? I was just wondering what ever hapened to this Campaign? Did just disappear, or was stopped for certain reasons? Is it still in the making? I would like to know, because it sounded like it could have been a really cool Campaign and I think with that combined Editing knowledge it would have been something special. So, could someone please enlighten me?
Title: Re:OFPEC Campaign?
Post by: Sefe on 04 Jul 2003, 11:53:30
Hey Captain Wacky,

Unfortunately the OFPEC campaign is not being continued. The main reason is that it's too hard to find staff that is committed enough over a longer period of time.

Check out this thread (http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=9439) for more information.