Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => ArmA - Editing/Scripting General => Topic started by: Cougar on 11 Mar 2007, 10:32:22

Title: Attach vehicle to a blackhawk
Post by: Cougar on 11 Mar 2007, 10:32:22
Hello all,

I've been searching for a script to help me attach vehicle for transportation but I havent been able to find one for Arma. I've found 2 for ofp but since I can't open the mission itself I can't see how it's been made as I don't know much about scripting. I recall playing a mp mission in Arma some time ago that someone included the option to hook a vehicle to the chopper but I can't recall what the name was.

If anyone know where I can put my paw on one let me know it would be really appreciated.

Thank You

Title: Re: Attach vehicle to a blackhawk
Post by: bedges on 11 Mar 2007, 11:47:04
Attach Objects To Vehicles by redstripe studios (in the scripts section of the ed depot) has a script which might assist you. no need to open the mission.
Title: Re: Attach vehicle to a blackhawk
Post by: Cougar on 11 Mar 2007, 13:03:29
Alright I gave it a try but the vehicle stayed on the ground all the time so now I tried the other one with the same kind of activation which work better. The only problem I have is even if im 100 ft up in the air the vehicle hook itself to my BH when i get in the trigger zone, so my question is it possible to make it so it appear as an action in the menu (hook and unhook the vehicle) and you need to be fairly close to it?

Thank You
Title: Re: Attach vehicle to a blackhawk
Post by: bedges on 11 Mar 2007, 13:19:51
absolutely it's possible.

you would first need to attach a get in eventhandler (http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/the_files/OFPResources/tutorials/EventHandlers.doc) to the chopper. that would activate a script. the script would check to see what position the person getting in got in to. if it was the driver's seat, the vehicle would have an action added to it, via addaction (http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=list&game=All&letter=a#addAction). you would also need to attach a get out eventhandler to the vehicle so that when the loon gets out, the action is removed.

the action added to the player would call a script which would check if the vehicle is in range, and do the attaching of the vehicle. it would also remove the "attach vehicle" action and add a new "detach vehicle" action.

to see something similar in action, take a look at this tutorial (http://www.ofpec.com/FAQ/faq_sound.php#radio).