Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: Zombie on 29 Jun 2004, 01:17:21

Title: sewer tunnel
Post by: Zombie on 29 Jun 2004, 01:17:21
I would like to add sewer tunnels but cannot do it without an addon.  The concrete piers and blocks have only 5 sides textured, so setposing them above eachother doesn't provide a roof.  Anyone seen tunnels, or can can make one?  Or even add bottom textures to the blocks so they are not transparent?  I realize that there is no "underground" in OFP, but placing my sewer pipes on a runway or other flat area, and then some creative setpos'ing and lighting effects, players won't know the difference.  Attached is what I have tried with blocks and bridges, but I am worried about lag doing it like this......Thanks a lot,
Title: Re:sewer tunnel
Post by: EX-PARA on 29 Jun 2004, 17:03:48
Hi Zombie,

I remember a while back that Wizzywiz released several of his unfinished or abandoned addons in a pack and i'm sure that there were tunnel sections in it.
I have it on cd somewhere but don't know what site the file is to download from.

Title: Re:sewer tunnel
Post by: oyman on 29 Jun 2004, 19:03:11
uhh what kinda of tunnels are you talking about the one in pic 1 or in pic 2 or someother tunnel, the tunnel you were making looks like the one in pic 2
Title: Re:sewer tunnel
Post by: DBR_ONIX on 29 Jun 2004, 20:01:30
Sewer tunnels.. I guess the first ;)
Both look cool though :D
- Ben
Title: Re:sewer tunnel
Post by: Zombie on 29 Jun 2004, 20:30:41
Both do look way cool, but yes, the first is more what I am looking for.  Do you have intersections and access points?  ie ladders up/down to manhole covers?  The one I was making does look more like pic 2, but since I don't know add ons, my tunnel was just block covered by the resistance bridge to give it a roof, and setposing select 2 - 31 every bridge piece was really tiresome!
  Thanks for the replies everyone, oyman, can I get your tunnel in pic 1?  That would make a very plausible sewer tunnel.
Title: Re:sewer tunnel
Post by: oyman on 29 Jun 2004, 22:05:51
you can have tunnel1 but its not ai friendly yet or has any fire/geometry lods put in yet. i could make some more sections but this will have to wait as i am updating some things right now ;)
Title: Re:sewer tunnel
Post by: Coldfire on 30 Jun 2004, 01:16:39
BAS's Tonal Island had a good-sized underground section in the middle of the dessert. It's not bad but if you want to put infantry inside you have to setposition them, if you just place them on the map over the tunnel they just apere on top of it.
Title: Re:sewer tunnel
Post by: oyman on 30 Jun 2004, 03:37:30

ive updated it so its ai can walk in it with no problems and put up a roadway lod
also added another part of the tunnel which has a ramp to get on/in the tunnel