Addons & Mods Depot => ArmA - Addons & Mods Discussion => Topic started by: Lurchisme on 13 Feb 2008, 06:09:53

Title: Trougble with memory points in O2 for 'get in' commands...
Post by: Lurchisme on 13 Feb 2008, 06:09:53
I'm having trouble creating the 'get in' action for an addon I'm making. Also, when the player exists the vehicle, they exit aproximately 2 metres into the air, then fall, then die.

I've had a look at how some other addons have been configured, and there seems to be two points in the Memory point thing which could be it...

Something gunner dir
Something Gunner

I've tried both of these, but they don't seem to work. I seem to remember in OFP, Chech names were used for a lot of the memory points.  Does anyone out there know how these are supposed to be done?
Title: Re: Trougble with memory points in O2 for 'get in' commands...
Post by: Gnat on 13 Feb 2008, 12:01:53
Hi Lurchisme
The points are called;
pos driver
pos driver dir
pos gunner
pos gunner dir
pos cargo
pos cargo dir

These points are placed a little above the ground, about ankle or shin height. The determines the height above ground then a unit "get out"'s
The first point (eg pos driver) is placed about where you want the player or AI to stand just before getting in (or out)
The second point (eg pos driver dir) is placed a little closer to the vehicle than the first point,about 0.1 to 0.25 meter between points should be ok.
The direction from the first point to the second point determines the correct facing a player or AI has to face when entering the vehicle (reversed facing for exit).
It also determines the direction the human or AI faces as the "get-in" animation is played.

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: Trougble with memory points in O2 for 'get in' commands...
Post by: Lurchisme on 15 Feb 2008, 01:50:44
Thanks for the help Gnat, but it didn't work..
I've posted some pictures of what it looks like in O2.

(http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/2161/ps1un4.th.jpg) (http://img341.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ps1un4.jpg)

[img=http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/3455/ps2sm0.th.jpg] (http://img341.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ps2sm0.jpg)

[img=http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/9559/ps3sg2.th.jpg] (http://img341.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ps3sg2.jpg)

[img=http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/3102/ps4kd8.th.jpg] (http://img205.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ps4kd8.jpg)

The script for it in the config file goes a lot like this...

class CfgVehicles
   /*extern*/ class StaticWeapon;

     class TomahawkLauncher: StaticWeapon

      armorstructured = 1;
      unloadInCombat =true;
      Armor = 20
      Side = West;
      gunnerCanSee = 1+2+4+8;//default
      camouflage = 14;
      castGunnerShadow = true;
      gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_Operator";      
      destrType = "DestructBuilding";
      hasGunner = true;// default
      getInRadius=8;  //default
      picture = "\MissilePack\icons\Tlauncher2.paa";
      crew = "SoldierWB";
      displayName="Tomahawk Launcher";
                weapons[] = {};
                magazines[] = {};
      ForceHideGunner = 0;
      memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
      memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
      getInAction = "GetInLow";
      getOutAction = "getOutLow";


Any idea what's wrong with it?
Title: Re: Trougble with memory points in O2 for 'get in' commands...
Post by: Gnat on 15 Feb 2008, 11:13:30
3 things to try;

First drop the
memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
completely from the config and try again

drop the
memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
completely from the config and rename the points;
- pos_gunner
- pos_gunner_dir

or change them to
memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos_gunner";
memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos_gunner_dir";
but don't change the actual memory points.
Title: Re: Trougble with memory points in O2 for 'get in' commands...
Post by: bdfy85 on 15 Feb 2008, 18:10:32
btw... you inherit your class from staticweapon. that means that turret and points you need are defined in parent class
      class Turrets {
         class MainTurret : NewTurret {
            memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos_gunner";
            memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos_gunner_dir";
            memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";
            memoryPointGun = "usti hlavne";
            outGunnerMayFire = 1;
            gunnerOpticsModel = "\weapons\optika_empty";
            minTurn = -180;
            maxTurn = 180;
            initTurn = 0;
            minElev = -7;
            maxElev = 70;
            initElev = 0;
            castGunnerShadow = 1;
            ejectDeadGunner = 1;
            class ViewOptics {
               initAngleX = 0;
               minAngleX = -30;
               maxAngleX = 30;
               initAngleY = 0;
               minAngleY = -100;
               maxAngleY = 100;
               initFov = 0.42;
               minFov = 0.22;
               maxFov = 0.64;
thus you need    "pos_gunner", "pos_gunner_dir"; in your model.
Or define your own turret in the config ;)
Title: Re: Trougble with memory points in O2 for 'get in' commands...
Post by: Lurchisme on 18 Feb 2008, 05:23:59
Thanks Gnat, Bdfy85. The trick with "pos_gunner" rather than "Pos Gunner" worked. Should have seen it myself I guess, but sometimes you can't see the woods for the tree's. The guy still gets out a few metres into the air at this stage, but I'll have a look at that some other time.