Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => OFP - Editing/Scripting Multiplayer => Topic started by: Aron on 30 Aug 2008, 10:10:59

Title: Help with crate loadout
Post by: Aron on 30 Aug 2008, 10:10:59
I'm editing a MFCTI and heres the scripts

To build crate

;Last modified 2/19/4
;Only execute this on the server.
? !(Local LocalServerObject):Exit

_side = _this Select 0
_type = _this Select 1
_destination = _this Select 2
_direction = _this Select 3

_sideText = "West";_sideText1 = "W"
? (_side == east):_sideText = "East";_sideText1 = "E"

? (publicServer):goto "InitPublicServer"


   ? (_type == weaponsCrateType):_name = Format["C8X_usmcbox",_sideText]
   ? (_type == ammoCrateType):_name = Format["MFCTI116%1AmmoCrate",_sideText]
   ? (_type == heavyWeaponsCrateType):_name = Format["MFCTI116%1HeavyWeaponsCrate",_sideText]
   ? (_type == heavyAmmoCrateType):_name = Format["MFCTI116%1HeavyAmmoCrate",_sideText]

   goto "CreateCrate"


   ? (_type == weaponsCrateType) || (_type == heavyWeaponsCrateType):_name = Format["ReammoBox%1",_sideText]
   ? (_type == ammoCrateType) || (_type == heavyAmmoCrateType):_name = Format["AmmoBoxAdd%1",_sideText1]


   ;Create building, props, gun, & gunner.
   _crate = _name CreateVehicle _destination
   _crate  SetDir _direction
   _crate  SetPos _destination
   _crate SetPos [(_destination Select 0)+((sin _direction)*0.5),(_destination Select 1)+((cos _direction)*.5),(_destination Select 2)]

   ? (_side == east):goto "AddCrateToEast"


   ;Send the new building to other players.
   westBuildingBuiltMP = _crate;PublicVariable "westBuildingBuiltMP"
   westBuildingBuiltTypeMP = _type;PublicVariable "westBuildingBuiltTypeMP"



   ;Send the new building to other players.
   eastBuildingBuiltMP = _crate;PublicVariable "eastBuildingBuiltMP"
   eastBuildingBuiltTypeMP = _type;PublicVariable "eastBuildingBuiltTypeMP"

To load crate

;Last modified 3/19/4
;Adds equipment to a crate on the client's side.
;Script Usage:[Side,Crate,CrateType] Exec "EquipCrate.sqs"

_side = _this Select 0
_crateType = _this Select 1
_crate = _this Select 2

? !(publicServer):Exit

ClearMagazineCargo _crate
ClearWeaponCargo _crate

? (_side == east):goto "EquipEastCrate"


   ? (_crateType == weaponsCrateType):goto "EquipWestWeaponsCrate"
   ? (_crateType == ammoCrateType):goto "EquipWestAmmoCrate"
   ? (_crateType == heavyWeaponsCrateType):goto "EquipWestHeavyWeaponsCrate"
   ? (_crateType == heavyAmmoCrateType):goto "EquipWestHeavyAmmoCrate"



   ? (_crateType == weaponsCrateType):goto "EquipEastWeaponsCrate"
   ? (_crateType == ammoCrateType):goto "EquipEastAmmoCrate"
   ? (_crateType == heavyWeaponsCrateType):goto "EquipEastHeavyWeaponsCrate"
   ? (_crateType == heavyAmmoCrateType):goto "EquipEastHeavyAmmoCrate"



   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["Mine",50]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["Pipebomb",1]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["Handgrenade",10]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell",0]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed",0]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen",0]


        _crate AddWeaponCargo ["C8XM16acog",5]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["C8XM16M203acog",5]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["C8XM249PARAcco",5]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["HK",5]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["LSR_m82a1",5]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["MM1",2]



   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["C8xm16mag",12]
        _crate AddMagazineCargo ["LSR_m82a1magIT",12]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["LSR_m82a1magAP",12]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["Steyrmag",6]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["G36aMag",6]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["M4",6]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["MM1magazine",4]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["c8xM203Vest",12]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["c8xm203grenade",12]


        _crate AddWeaponCargo ["SUCHsmawLauncher",5]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["SUCHJavelinLauncher",5]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["AALauncher",5]

   goto "EquipMiscCrate"


        _crate AddMagazineCargo ["SUCHsmawATHE",12]
        _crate AddMagazineCargo ["SUCHJavelinMag",12]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["SUCHsmawAT",12]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["AALauncher",12]



   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["AK74",2]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["AK74GrenadeLauncher",2]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["PK",2]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["Bizon",2]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["SVDDragunov",2]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["6g30",2]



   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["AK74",20]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["PK",6]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["BizonMag",12]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["SVDDragunov",20]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["6g30Magazine",8]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["GrenadeLauncher",6]



   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["RPGLauncher",2]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["AT4Launcher",2]
   _crate AddWeaponCargo ["9K32Launcher",2]

   goto "EquipMiscCrate"


   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["RPGLauncher",12]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["AT4Launcher",6]
   _crate AddMagazineCargo ["9K32Launcher",6]


Now the problem is, the c8x USMC crate works fine, its built.. but the crate has orginal weapons in it, instead of the weapons I defines in the loadout.  Whats wrong?!?

Note: I know only one c8x crate is there.
Title: Re: Help with crate loadout
Post by: sharkyjoe on 11 Mar 2009, 13:34:31
I am not good or should I say I stink at scripting. :-[

I just go to the Editors Depot and use OFP script editor by Chris Henderson. He also has one exactly like it for Arma.

Using this for crates will call a script load out from ammo box, its done.

Now, you just got to worry about if your crates are put/called to the right area.

Hopefully this helps :dunno: