Addons & Mods Depot => OFP - Addons & Mods Beta Testing => Topic started by: calm_terror on 01 Dec 2003, 04:18:08

Title: OPF World
Post by: calm_terror on 01 Dec 2003, 04:18:08
I jsut had this idea.
since the tonal island is aroudn 4 times larger then the normal islands, how aboot a huge map with all the OFP islands in one "world"?
maybe only the first 4 and if there is room novocia?
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: deaddog on 01 Dec 2003, 05:03:12
That sounds like a good idea.  There are some new, retextured version of the original islands.  Maybe someone could combine them all.  Still being separate islands but on one big map.

That could give a new dimension to capture the island type games.
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: Benson on 01 Dec 2003, 15:27:55
Won't it be to lagging for low-end users ?
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: deaddog on 01 Dec 2003, 16:45:10
Yeah, it probably would but the concept is kind of cool.

One way around that would be to have one of the islands be the desert version.  Not near as many objects.

You could have Winter Kolgujev up north and jungle Everon down south :)

That's a big climate change for 50 Km  ;D
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: SHOT@RUSIANS on 01 Dec 2003, 17:29:51
lol u would have to have desert isle in the center
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: m21man on 01 Dec 2003, 18:21:24
No, just have Nogova, Kolgujev, Malden, and Everon in one 25 x 25 world. The desert island is really just a place for beta testing desert stuff, it really is an unpleasant contrast to the other islands when you're looking for quality.

Won't it be to lagging for low-end users ?
You don't have to download it. It will be laggy on old computers, but quality and crappy PCs don't mix.
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: Mr_Shady on 01 Dec 2003, 23:19:43
Awesome idea! You could do some really cool inter-island operations: getting helicoptered from Everon to Malden for some sneaky-beaky covert work anyone?
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: m21man on 01 Dec 2003, 23:36:34
Now, how would one make this island? I assume you can't just copy and paste the .wrp files into one map. I'll go and ask on the PMC forums.
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: Planck on 02 Dec 2003, 00:09:16
You can import each island terrain into one large area, but I think it would not include the objects on each island.

At least 3 of the islands would have no objects on them.

Not sure if hex editing would help in that area, but it would be a lot of work.

Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: m21man on 02 Dec 2003, 00:33:48
Is anyone interested in doing this?
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: DeLiltMon on 02 Dec 2003, 14:53:46
Sounds like a brilliant idea to me :D
And not only could you fly about between the islands but there'd be large chunks of water for boats to operate in in too, everything from sneaky raids in zodiacs to hunting down HMS Hermes.
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: MadFred on 02 Dec 2003, 16:26:33
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: MadFred on 02 Dec 2003, 16:29:49


something like these then fellas ;)

These were made with the excellent WrpTool util.
(before you ask, I dont have them, so can't hook you up)

For WrpTool download and information visit:

Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: KJAM on 02 Dec 2003, 18:58:43
what about that age old problem of having only one WORKING (by that i mean the AI landing on it) airstrip wouldnt that be a minor hitch in making this?
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: m21man on 02 Dec 2003, 19:33:16
A possible solution to the airstrip prolem is to import the BIS islands into the world, and then create a custom island in the center of the world. The custom island would be about the same distance from each BIS island, and on this new island there would be a large airport.
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: macguba on 02 Dec 2003, 19:49:21
Desert island is the same shape as the large island to the southeast of Malden, so there's not really any point in including it.

Remember that we know Kolgujev is to the northeast of ... is it Everon or Malden?    That bit in the original campaign where you take off from one island and attack the other.

From pole to equator it goes snow - temperate - desert - jungle so it would be nice to have islands roughly in that order.     IMHO the original three should be reasonably close together - after all, the whole point of this is that you can go from one to the other and that's no fun if they are all miles apart.     Nogova, being a slightly seperate place, should be slightly apart.   That would leave a nice big sea area for naval battles and carrier operations.

As a matter of interest, it is obviously possible to use the sun to work out the latitude and longitude of the Malden islands.  Has anybody done this?    Where are they?
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: m21man on 02 Dec 2003, 21:21:40
Also remember that BIS has repeatedly said "No" to publicly releasing Nogova's WRP data. Therefore, a public release of a multi-island world with Nogova would probably be more of an assembly kit. It would probably come with a config, an icon for the world, and a nice big step-by-step guide on how to assemble the island.
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: MadFred on 05 Dec 2003, 05:12:57
Hi again.

For those of you interested in a multi-islands map:


for detailed view:


This is PMC AEC island (abel-eden-cain)
It is a map containing the three CWC
islands of Malden, Everon and Kolgujev.
The size of the map is 25km x 25km and it
was created with WrpTool.
Only the Malden airbase is AI usable.

If you want this island, visit PMC Tactical OFP at:


The island can be found in the download section.


Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: deaddog on 06 Dec 2003, 14:19:52

And still plenty of space left to stick another island in there if the urge struck.

I can see it now.  Two forces, each on its own island, fighting for the third, while doing some strategic "bombing" of the others home island.   8)  Can anyone say, "damn 63 group limit"  ;D
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: m21man on 06 Dec 2003, 15:19:30
I can see it now.  Two forces, each on its own island, fighting for the third, while doing some strategic "bombing" of the others home island.    Can anyone say, "d**n 63 group limit"
I think my brain would explode if I tried to use CE 1.22 to command 797 units in an operation like that ::) .
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: Lt.Shitkilla on 07 Dec 2003, 13:05:02
do u think it would be possible just to have everon and malden, for lower end PC's like my current one, the 'world' lags a little too much for comfort, if you remove kolgujev, then that should take out some of the lag. also, has anymore trees been added, it seems like there are so many trees that weren't there before.

anyway, plz get back to me,

Lt. Shitkilla
Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: MadFred on 08 Dec 2003, 03:23:04
@ Lt. sh*tkilla

do u think it would be possible just to have everon and malden, for lower end PC's like my current one.

also, has anymore trees been added, it seems like there are so many trees that weren't there before.

1. It is perfectly possible to have the islands of Malden and Everon in one map. and what's more, you can do it quite easily yourself too using WrpTool.

2. No, the islands in the AEC map are identical to the original islands in terms of objects. the only thing that is different is the numbet of textures on Kolgujev.
due to texture limitations in OFP that number had to be reduced to make it work.

Title: Re:OPF World
Post by: blackhawkdown132 on 25 May 2004, 03:02:58
maybe u could place a large 4-lane bridge in between two island and have a car chase on it for a mission intro? has someone done that?