Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting => Arma2 - Editing/Scripting Multiplayer => Topic started by: Ironman on 12 Jul 2010, 23:24:45

Title: Modules
Post by: Ironman on 12 Jul 2010, 23:24:45
wondering if there was a secret place, maybe in a garden, or behind some rocks, or on this forum that discusses how modules are suppose to work but how everyone hates them because they make their lives worse?
Title: Re: Modules
Post by: nominesine on 14 Jul 2010, 15:42:18
No, but there's a new module in an upcomming patch that will solve all previous module problems. (Sorry, couldn't help myself).

What's your problem exactly?
Title: Re: Modules
Post by: Ironman on 14 Jul 2010, 22:58:45
Well, I think the BIS wiki is pretty good with the bare bones of setting crap up. But, they don't go in to much detail when it comes to changing parameters for the modules. So, maybe it is something worth creating a new board on Ofpec about.... just a thought. It took me quite a while how to adjust the parameters for the Ambient Combat Module. I am sure there are other things I will run into along with everyone else.
Title: Re: Modules
Post by: nominesine on 14 Jul 2010, 23:47:32
Collect all available documentation from the Biki and other forums. Write a compilation and post it as a sticky here maybe? That's how we handled MP and locality problems back in the OFP days, as far as I can remember. I agree that the modules are more than a nuisance than a real help. They are far more time consuming than writing a script from scratch would be.
Title: Re: Modules
Post by: kju on 16 Jul 2010, 08:16:00
You can always read the sqf and fsm. You can even modify them.
And yes - most are not usable in MP / DS env unfortunately.