Missions Depot > Mission Discussion

Regarding the rules...

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--- Quote from: Jakerod on 23 Aug 2002, 04:56:00 ---Just out of curisousity what is operation firefly?

--- End quote ---

Some kind of fantasy mission I would assume :)

Best bet would be to wait for the return of the missions depot :)

not sure about Firefly, but Firelord certainly was not realistic - it had spetz natz who could lift you up and throw you a hundred metres just by looking at you.

Also Siberian Fox Scored highly - and that was less realistic than a James Bond Film.

Basically we will review anything (that we can get working).

I really enjoyed siberian fox.  I think that it showed some real imagination and was fun to play.   In my view, Firelord and Fox are the two best missions around.
There are a hundred authentic military missions with real tactics and so on, and i like to play those too, but those missions are a refreshing break.  I tried to make a mission around a Special forces team who respond to 'terrorist' attack on an arms factory, but the transport gets destroyed and the player is the only one who escapes.  He gets captured taken to a nuclear weapon facility which has been hijacked (i created a massive facility around the maulden airstrip), and he has an oppourtunity to escape.  Thus ensues a full on Metal gear Solid style mission sneaking around and so.
The mission is highly cinematic - something that is missing from most missions.  The plot gets revealed through numerous cutscenes and things like bosses battles, russians, tuxedo clad kgb officers and so on.
I got about 60% then gave up.  It is a shame that more missions that push the ofp boundries do not exist, as mission design will start to become more stale.  Sci-fi is too much, but most people don't care if a certain add-on gun has the screws and accurately placed like the real gun, or if the tactics used 100% reflect the tactics once by the portugese army in 1987.  It doesn't matter about total accuracy.  Try to have a bit of fun, originality and cinematics in the missions.


True... S.Fox was great.  But missions that rely heavily on cinematic can bore the player.

Most ppl are looking for missions to play, not watch.

That is probably why these missions are few and far between.  Which makes them more enjoyable when a good one does come along.

What more can I say other that OFP Rules because of it's lack of limitation.  It's only restricted by your imagination.


I'd agree with your last point.

But a cinematic mission doesn't necessarily mean lots of cutscenes.  There is a moment in flashpoint that I call the 'John Wayne moment' which is when you single-handedly do something single handedly with bravado.
An example of this would be like the second mission in red hammer.  All my squad died really quickly, so I had to storm two bases on my own.  Which is a great feeling when finally done (the statistics debreifing makes interesting reading).  ;)
The classification of whether a mission is cinematic or not is down to the underlying ideas, rather than the amount of cutscenes.  And in these missions, realism isn't paramount.  It may not be realistic for special forces to land helicopters on top of tower blocks and sniper people or base jump, but it makes for a really fun and original mission.
For this reason, I thnik that unrealistic mssions shouldn't be discouraged.


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