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BIS Tools installation questions

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Hi guys, I posted this on forums.bistudio to no avail so was wondering if you could help me out:
(BTW, This is BIS tools 2, I put it in the wrong section. I have arma 2.)

The simple arma 2 terrain tutorial is a bit ambiguous about a couple things.

1) Under creating my project folder, the CMD line I'm supposed to enter is:

--- Code: ---xcopy *.cpp P:\<YourNamespace>\ca\ /S /Y
--- End code ---

One problem: there's no "ca" in my namespace folder- there's no subfolders at all, so why does it say "\<namespace>\ca"? Anyhow, when I type it in I get:

--- Code: ---File not found - *.cpp
0 File(s) copied
--- End code ---

Could this be because my CA "config" file is labeled "config.bin" rather than CPP? Also, what exactly does the * prefix do?

2) While setting this up, the tutorial says "You need all BI addons correctly extracted to P:\ca to get this working." Does this mean everything from CA? Because the tutorial said for now only extract Roads and Plants files. I figured this might be why it's not working.
Thanks for reading.


--- Quote ---(BTW, This is BIS tools 2, I put it in the wrong section. I have arma 2.)
--- End quote ---
I guess this means moving this here would be reasonable, so moved :)

Also fixed your link to the biki article, 'twas broken.

--- Quote ---Could this be because my CA "config" file is labeled "config.bin" rather than CPP?
--- End quote ---
Most likely because the line 'xcopy *.cpp' copies only files with the file extension .cpp..

If you used the Mikero's tools correctly like told in the tutorial it should unrapify the config.bin files into config.cpp files and then .bat file should work..

Ah, cool. I didn't think of extracting the .bin. What are Mikero's tools?
Also, why is it that my namespace doesn't have anything under it? Does this mean I should move \ca\ into my namespace? Currently it's located in P:\ca\.

Sorry for all the questions!

Mikero's tools are those ones linked to in the tutorial.
He has made very good and useful tools for Arma editing but unfortunately some of his tools can be a bit cumbersome to use I guess..

I actually have not tested that tutorial but I'd assume the ca folder gets automatically created when you run the tools mentioned in the tutorial..

--- Quote ---Sorry for all the questions!
--- End quote ---
Well, this is however a place just for that purpose, so no need to be sorry ;)

Well I suppose I've found my problem then, I didn't use Mikero's tools. I just installed the BIS tools 2. So... should I just xcopy the configs into P:\ca?


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