Addons & Mods Depot > ArmA - Texturing

Making a texture glow


I have a texture that is a light. When I turn it on, I do so through setObjectTexture. Now this works during the day, however it doesn't seem like a light because it doesn't glow or seem very bright.

I understand it maybe possible to put some kind of material on. However, is it possible with setObjectTexture? I basically have light_off.paa and light_on.paa. I want light_on.paa to glow, light_off.paa to stay as it is.

If someone could enlighten me if this is possible that would be fantastic, as it would finish what I am doing. Thank you.

Edit - And balls, I missed the sub forum for textures. Could it be moved please? :)


--- Quote ---And balls
--- End quote ---
It's moderator or admin, but whatever  :D


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