Editors Depot - Mission Editing and Scripting > Arma2 - Editing/Scripting Multiplayer

Ending a Deathmatch/Mp Mission - Time limit/Score Limit


I have established the time and score limit options in the Description.ext but I cannot for the life of me remember how to actually make the mission execute this?

Example, the default time limit is 20 minutes at mission select, but the mission doesn't actually end. Presumably I need a trigger that takes how long was specified and then activates but I have no clue on the syntax etc for this trigger so was wondering if someone can help me out so I can actually make my DM map end! :P


--- Code: (condition set for 20 minutes into the mission in real time) ---time > (20 * 60)

--- End code ---

Alternative solution:


--- Code: ---estimatedtimeleft param1;
--- End code ---
param1 is duration in seconds. You can either set it by yourself or get it from description.ext.

Condition of End1 trigger

--- Code: ---serverTime > estimatedEndServerTime
--- End code ---

Copied from BI Forum.


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