Addons & Mods Depot > ArmA - Configs & Scripting

[SOLVED] Extended EH: PostInit

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Hello all,
I have a question regarding the Extended EventHandlers PostInit function.

I'd like to pre-compile a few scripts so they can be easily called later on (from Extended_Fired_EventHandlers).

Sadly no matter what I try I can't get it to work (got the newest XEH 1.93 BTW).

I even tried to execute a script looping a hint from there but it never gets executed.


post some code so we can comment & correct.
or read the readme for the examples given.

I did read the readme but it didn't help me.

Here's my last attempt:

--- Code: ---class CfgPatches
class DFS_precompile
units[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"Extended_EventHandlers"};

class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers
class DFS_precompile
DFS_init = "[] execVM '\DFS_test\DFS_test_precompile.sqf'";

--- End code ---

class DFS_precompile <- Should this really be here?
At least the PreInit-Handler don't need it.

Oh my god...

Turned out I had an old version of the XEH which was overriding the new one... ::)

Thanks for your time, guys!

BTW, turns out i0n0s was also right - that class was broken too ;)


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