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Script to display new objects in Xbox


I've been working on a mission to display all the new objects. I would like the script to display 2 rows of objects however I only get one long row of 74 houses. How would I  get 2 rows.  My thoughts are to split _e into 2.

Its early in the morning, bare with me

--- Code: ---
hint "Display the houses of the xbox"
_a = [(getpos pos1 select 0), (getpos pos1 select 1), (getpos pos1 select 2)]
_g = _a
_b = ["Land_benzina","Land_brana","Land_Panelak", "Land_KBud", "Land_Tovarna1", "Land_Hlidac_budka", "Land_Domek_sedy", "Land_Posed", "Land_domek_zluty", "Land_zluty_statek_in", "Land_domek_radnice", "Land_Panelak2", "Land_Panelak3", "Land_leseni4x", "Land_vysilac_FM", "Land_vysilac_FM2", "Land_radar", "Land_Javor01Posed" , "Land_invisible_house", "TableMapRes", "Fountain", "Land_kasna_new", "Land_domek01", "Land_domek02", "Land_domek03", "Land_domek04", "Land_domek05" , "Land_dum_podloubi", "Land_dum_podloubi02", "Land_dum_podloubi03", "Land_dum_podloubi03klaster" ,"Land_stodola", "Land_stodola2", "Land_stodola3", "Land_kostelin", "Land_zluty_statek", "Land_domek_kovarna", "Land_domek_rosa", "Land_domek_hospoda", "Land_domek_sedy_bez", "Land_domek_zluty_bez", "Land_domek_vilka", "Land_domek_ruina", "Land_domek_podhradi_1", "Land_dum_patr_nizky_prujezd", "Land_dum_patrovy01prujezd", "Land_dum_patrovy01", "Land_dum_patrovy01c", "Land_dum_patrovy01d", "Land_dum_patrovy02", "Land_dum_patrovy03", "Land_dum_patrovy04", "Land_dum_patrovy05", "Land_dum_patrovy06", "Land_skola",  "Land_ruiny_obvod_3", "Land_ruiny_obvod_kompl", "Land_ruiny_3_roh", "Land_ruiny_3_prasklina", "Land_ruiny_3_dvere", "Land_hangar_2", "Land_Chata6" , "Land_OrlHot", "Land_ZalChata", "Land_hasic_zbroj", "Land_brana02", "Land_brana02nodoor", "Land_leseni2x", "Land_pumpa", "Land_bouda_plech", "Land_aut_zast"]

_e = (count _b) - 1
_k = (_e / 2)

_d = 0

_f = _b select _d
_obj = _f createVehicle getpos pos1

pos1 setpos [(getpos pos1 select 0), (getpos pos1 select 1)+40, (getpos pos1 select 2)]

_d = _d + 1
? _d == _k : goto "round2"
;hint format["%1",_d]
goto "loop"


_f = _b select _d
_obj = _f createVehicle getpos pos1

pos1 setpos [(getpos pos1 select 0), (getpos pos1 select 1)+40, (getpos pos1 select 2)]

_d = _d + 1
? _d == _k : goto "end"
goto "loop"


--- End code ---


--- Code: ---#round2
pos1 setpos [(_a select 0) - 20,(_a select 1),0]

_f = _b select _d
_obj = _f createVehicle getpos pos1

pos1 setpos [(getpos pos1 select 0), (getpos pos1 select 1)+40, (getpos pos1 select 2)]

_d = _d + 1
? _d == _k : goto "end"
goto "loop2"

--- End code ---

2 problems with your script:
1) you never told it to make a second line (you have to change the x values elase its keeps going along the y)
2) you made it loop back to the original

Will this mean new objects like boats, planes etc. will be availalbe to get on AR from other people? The thing that has me interested in the PC version is all the extra content people seem to have.

Things I would like are battleships, harriers, controllable parachutes, hovercraft and being able to swim in water and not drown!!!

Any idea if we are likely to see any of this? I have no idea what scripting is personally and have little interest in doingh it myself, but its such a great game.



After looking at other threads, it seems the answer is no for this, shame :(

Addons can be added if you have a modded xbox. This isn't available yet through the action replay method.
BEcuase there is very little interest in modding or scripting for the xbox, these things take alot longer. :)


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